26' power trimaran, trawler style family boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by socalspearit, Oct 3, 2022.

  1. socalspearit
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    socalspearit Senior Member

    I will study the thread about forefoot. But respectfully, with a shallow drafting hull, you'd want a lot of forefoot to provide buoyancy for cabin and cargo weight. Another way, to my thinking, to get buoyancy is a deeper forefoot and/or deeper hulls altogether. The LEEN hulls have very deep forefeet, and--compared to a Skoota--a more forward cabin. I studied the Skoota designs but also, according to the designer those boats are inland type boats engineered for simplicity of build and shallow draft. Draft is a non issue for this boat; our coastline gets deep instantly, and while in some awkward end slips in our shallowest harbors you might see 4' - 5' depth at a king low tide, those are very much an exception. We don't have sandbars or river inlets to worry about here. Very deep and fine forefeet can start to create a lot of drag which makes empirical sense and is shown in Alan's hull simulations of the three designs. That starts get iffy, but something in between would probably work okay, and as he stated if the hulls are too deep and fine then the boat can't plane properly. The LEENs also have the side hulls much further back than my design so the fore depends primarily on the center hull. I think that looks a lot sexier but I just want a huge amount of deck real estate.

  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

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