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26' Power Catamaran Mold Set James Baird Designed!

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by MasonHoldings, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. MasonHoldings
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL

    MasonHoldings New Member

    We have a mold set available for a 26' catamaran mold set designed
    by James Baird.

    It's a 2-piece mold set, with sport deck – could easily refit it with
    a center-console style interior as well. The top mold includes the
    floor, deck, and console all in one deck – which makes for a very
    sleek and efficient way to build this out.

    Its set up to be rigged with 2 outboards, 2 IO's, or 1 High
    performance motor – just depends on how you decide to lay out the

    This set is currently being stored in an indoor facility in South Florida.

    Asking price for the mold set is 21,000 USD.

    I've included a picture of a boat pulled from this mold set as well
    for your evaluation. Obviously it would be possible to finish the
    boats in a much more elaborate paint
    scheme / layout – but this should give you an initial feel for the
    general look of the boats that can be pulled from the molds in their
    existing form.


    Feel free to email or contact me directly if you have any questions!

  2. gelcoatman
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    gelcoatman Junior Member

    26 cat molds

    Just wondering if these molds were still available and to please send more detailed pics of the completed boat and mold photos to langdellc@hotmail.com
  3. MasonHoldings
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    MasonHoldings New Member

    Haven't been on here in awhile, just wanted to let interested parties know that the price of these molds has been reduced to 18,000 usd for the set.

    If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at


    Thanks for the interest!

  4. buckknekkid
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    buckknekkid Senior Member

    not trying to stir the pot

    wasnt there some contention over the actual ownership (owner) of these molds??? there was a couple of guys from Michigan looking for them:?:
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