25 HP yamaha 2 stroke

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by LowelandSystem, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. LowelandSystem

    LowelandSystem Previous Member

    I have a semi v hull speed boat, it width and length is 13ft long, 6 ft wide and 3.5 height. The boats dead load is 130 kg and for live load: four person, will a 25 hp yamaha outboard can take the load. Kind regards.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is that 130 kg total weight? It depends on what your speed expectations are. It will definitely move the boat.
  3. LowelandSystem

    LowelandSystem Previous Member

    Yes I want to design the deck again, and put some more weight. here is a video, in our country materials are so limited we have to innovative and field engineer things, mold made of sheet metal. then tested with a 4 stroke diesel engine, which is absolutely a disaster for me, cause I didnt had the money to buy an outboard that time. And it was an water jet module for propulsion.
    Tried to make short docu video of our work flow. please dont laugh. :)

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  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Congratulations. It floats, moves and carries the crew.

  5. LowelandSystem

    LowelandSystem Previous Member

    Thanks Gonzo, any tutorial on how to make the negative deck mold, didnt find any on youtube.:confused:
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