25 CC deep-v build, wood/epoxy/glass composite - Shine

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by JR-Shine, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. JR-Shine
    Joined: May 2004
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    I am now at the strip planking stage of this build, so I thought it would be better to start a build thread.

    The design of the boat is discussed in another thread, here:


    study plans and specs are here:


    This week I started stripping the hull. Core strips are 5/8". Strips are epoxied together, faired, then glassed.

    without re-posting all the details about the jig from the other thread, I will just put some pictures here to show the progression of how I got to this point.

    stack of jig parts

    jig going together on the platform

    my helper and the completed jig

    strakes being laminated into place

    strip planking of the core begins

    epoxy gluing strips together

    With any luck the hull will be stripped and ready for glass within the nex couple weeks.
  2. KnottyBuoyz
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

    Nice to see you've got a 'shop minion' to help out there Joel. :)
  3. JR-Shine
    Joined: May 2004
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    I just wish she was old enough to use a fairing board :)

    got most of the bottom stripped yesterday...



    the stripping is going pretty easy, even with the thicker planks. The only one that is going to give me a hard time is the one at the sheer, it has a lot of twist and bend, so I might have to change that one up.
  4. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    Bottom is just about closed up, sides will be a lot faster (if I have time :))


  5. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

  6. Andy Jr
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  7. PAR
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    Might be my end, but the image didn't open Joel.
  8. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    You have to be a member of Google, which I will never be!
  9. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    You can view them without google, but its a total pain. I have another gallery that I will use from now on. :mad:

    whisky plank is set, now for some filling and shaping before glassing the hull. *




  10. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    an update, better late than never. hull has been glassed, faired, flipped, and now I am glassing the inside








  11. KnottyBuoyz
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

    Nice work Joel. Is the jig reusable?

    Whiskey plank! Oh I get it! :p
  12. JR-Shine
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    Yes, it can be reused. A few of the molds will need to re-cut
  13. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Nice to see you've let your hair grow out a bit . . . ;)
  14. JR-Shine
    Joined: May 2004
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    Haha, that hair is something else, like a helmet on her head. Dad, well, not so much

  15. JR-Shine
    Joined: May 2004
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    JR-Shine SHINE

    Slow but steady progress. *The last of the hull bottom glass is in. *Hull bottom glass is 2 x DB1700, with some places having 4 layers (overlaps)

    Next is the transom. *Before glassing the transom I need to get started on the sides (transom glass needs to overlap the sides). *Picture shows dry fitting the first layer of inside glass layer. *I will be laminating the sides of the hull in transverse strips of biaxial cloth. *Wetting out a single long piece of glass on the inside is asking for trouble when working by yourself in this heat. *Laying the glass this way means a little waste (with the overlaps), but thats not so important as having a good quality lamination.


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