25'-28' steel hull what is out there?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by eggman918, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. eggman918
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    eggman918 Junior Member

    I should have started with this question first.
    What are my options at 25'/28' in steel? I need a boat that is economic
    to operate safe for 3/4 day trips off the coast and islands of California.
    It would be me and the Wife and occasionally a grand child.
    A small diesel inboard is preferred and steel will be easiest for me to build in as I am a machinist with heavy repair/fabrication exp. I am fond of the old school/fishing boat looks, what is out there that fits in this box?
    Thanks for reading this
  2. rasorinc
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  3. eggman918
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    eggman918 Junior Member

  4. Tad
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  5. eggman918
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    eggman918 Junior Member

    Yes that is nice a bit bigger than ideal but closest yet thanks
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