24th CSYS

Discussion in 'Education' started by CDBarry, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. CDBarry
    Joined: Nov 2002
    Posts: 824
    Likes: 60, Points: 28, Legacy Rep: 354
    Location: Maryland

    CDBarry Senior Member

    "The Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium is the world's longest running technical forum dedicated to advancing the study of the art and science of sailing yacht design technology.

    Professional yacht designers and a wide variety of sailing enthusiasts travel from around the world to attend the CSYS Symposia to present papers and exchange ideas on sailing.

    If you have an interest in sailing technology but have never attended the CSYS, don't miss out any longer. The next symposium is scheduled for March (now delayed till June) of 2022 and designers from as far away as Australia and Japan will do what it takes to get here. By attending the symposium you have the opportunity to visit with old friends and make new acquaintances in the sailing world. Coffee breaks between presentation sessions overflow with enthusiastic sailing talk and provide a wonderful opportunity for authors and attendees to socialize. "

    The paper abstracts have been posted:

    Home - Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium (CSYS) https://communities.sname.org/chesapeakesailingyachtsymposiumcsys/home
    Dolfiman likes this.
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