24ft Wa'apa / Hobie 16 mashup / shelter pod

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Kurtz, Aug 28, 2023.

  1. Kurtz
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    Kurtz New Member

    Hi guys, I'm getting to the point where I need to seriously start thinking about rig and finishing choices for a waapa i'm building. Average wind where I'm at is around 20 knots (trade wind season) and from zero to 20 seabreeze + squalls at wet season. All inner reef sailing, with associated nasty chop.

    I can pick up an old beater hobie 16 fairly cheap - was hoping to use the full hobie rig and twin rudders on the waapa. I don't mind getting a new stronger reefable main made.

    Is a hobie 16 rig too much for the wa'apa? are twin rudders suitable?

    Also looking for thoughts on a shelter pod on a twin outrigger, would be a lot easier if I went full crazy and went Proa, (pod wise) but I'm not going to visit the proa asylum.

    I really want a full hard shelter for protection against weather and crocs. Lying down room only.
    This thing is been built for extended solo beach camping trips.
    Any thoughts appreciated.
  2. peterbike
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    peterbike Junior Member

    What is a 24' waapa ?
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  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Ya gotta love the World Wide Web!
  4. bajansailor
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  5. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    It's boat #4, the winner, in this video, with a standee in the middle (she was the roll technician).
    Great design the Wa'apa.
    We made two right turns in the race by burying the ama and just paddling through.
    I learned that one from Hawaiian racers.
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  6. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Huh? I thought the Waapa WAS a Proa ! Of course, two "pods" makes a Trimaran.


    This thread might be useful.

    Wa'apa outrigger canoe proa/trimaran build https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/waapa-outrigger-canoe-proa-trimaran-build.59364/#:~:text=The%20Wa'apa%20can%20be,32'%20boat%20as%20one%20wishes.

    I don't understand the mystery about your "accommodation" problem. Just make the thing wide and long enough to throw an air mattress in the bottom of the hull. If you want protection from the small biteys too ( as opposed to the big biteys Crocodiles ) Just throw an insect proof tent over the top.

    I'm also mystified about "start thinking about rig and finishing choices for a waapa i'm building"

    If you are already building it, how the heck are you just thinking about something as basic as "accomodation" now ?
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  7. Kurtz
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    Kurtz New Member

    Thanks guys, never thought of them having race pedigree.

    Hi mate, This thing is way too narrow for accommodation in the hull, A fold / flip up shelter was up always on the cards
    the main hull will be fully decked and will have just under a cubic meter of storage in four sealed compartments
    Storage is more important to me than luxury accom.

    "how the heck are you just thinking about something as basic as "accomodation""...
    Don't get too carried away with the accommodation thing, it will probably just be a sheet of corrugated iron and a few sticks to prop it up.
    As long as I can read a book under it, i'll be happy.

    I'm building on a tight budget... well I was - that ship sailed long ago. Still all up - it'll be under a couple grand.
    Short of bamboo and a bit of rope, there's not a lot of stuff locally to make a rig out of. There's a few hobies down south going pretty cheap.
    Solves the rig problem and I won't have to make a rudder setup.

    This is where I'm at with it. Looks better in real life :)
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  8. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    If you’re going add a Hobie or rig with a boom, you could consider hanging a hammock off it to sleep and lounge in, with a tarp or fly over the top to create an A frame shelter that is an anchored out at each Ama or somewhere along the Akas.

    I use to sleep in my hammock on my Farrier Tri that basically had a beach cat rig. I made a boom extension that slipped into the end of the boom to stretch the hammock out that also provided a new anchoring point for the main downhaul. The boom was supported by the main halyard and stabilized by the main downhaul, and then the other end of the hammock was supported at the mast. The hammock then stretched over the cockpit under the bimini top. I could also hang the hammock on the fore deck stretching from the same mast point out to my bow sprit pole that pivoted up vertically and rested against my bow railing. Used to watch all the canoe races from there.
  9. trip the light fandango
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    trip the light fandango Senior Member

    Check that the decks of the hobie are sound , choose the lightest hulls if there's a choice of hobies, the glass delaminates and reacts differently when pushed and will collapse under foot , the whole hull is susceptible, bows etc .
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  10. Kurtz
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    Kurtz New Member

    I'm guessing the ones going cheap (the ones in my budget) will be trash. I only want one for the rudder setup and rig, . Although if it wouldn't look so stupid, I'd go the Hobie hulls for outrigger floats.

    Also how do I like posts on here? There's no like button?
    BlueBell and JimMath like this.
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