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23'6" Mold, New Hull, Patterns, Pieces, Parts & Accessories (sold)

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Boatguy050, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. Boatguy050
    Joined: Aug 2015
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    Location: Alabama

    Boatguy050 New Member

    I have a 23'6', 8'3" Beam, Hull & Cap mold, there is a new hull in the mold with 85gal fuel tank, plumbing, wire chase's, fish box. I have all the patterns for Transom, Bulkheads etc. Console mold with console not pulled, Console Windshield's, leaning post mold, leaning post with Alu frame, electronics box, 2 new extra 85 gal fuel tanks. All the parts to assemble this first boat are done except a cap. I'm located in South East Alabama, between Montgomery & Dothan. $ 8500.00. Having trouble posting pictures, any help in that area would be appreciated.

    This boat will float in 10" of water, 8' square deck area behind the leaning post, Self Bailing deck, 13 1/2 degree dead rise, I have built this hull as Center Console, Deck Boat, Cuddy Cabin, Pilot House, I/O or O/B Power, power with a 135hp up to 300hp, with a 225 mercury, 85 gals of fuel, 6 people on board it will cruise at 58 mph & still be the Driest boat you'll ever be on !!!
  2. acasey
    Joined: Oct 2015
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    acasey New Member

    Please send me specs and photos to alex@ coastalclaimservices.com
  3. brokensheer
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    brokensheer Senior Member

    Pictures please

    Love to see this shape,, ! bo@ marolinayachts.com
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