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19' Flats Boat Molds Similar to Lake N' Bay, Release

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by FlatsGuy1120, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. FlatsGuy1120
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    FlatsGuy1120 New Member

    Selling mold set for a 19' high performance type flats boat. Originally designed to be set up with a
    250 or 300 horse. Hull length is 18'8" x 7', has a small pocket in the transom. Mold has never been used, the deck plug is included and was recently parted from the mold right before i took these photos.

    Everything is in great condition, no blisters or serious cracks on the hull, deck has some repairs that need to be made on the hatch gutters from when the plug was pulled but overall a very easy fix. Both have a steel frame. There is also a console mold but no hatches.

    Molds were nested together stored in a warehouse up until a few days ago.

    Located in Homestead, FL. Asking 8K OBO. Need gone asap Email: Mannys32@aol.com






  2. dillon berlin
    Joined: May 2019
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    dillon berlin New Member

    Is this still available?
  3. Cobra1
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    Looks like there was some sticking on the deck mold..
  4. Swiftboats
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    Swiftboats New Member


  5. Swiftboats
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    Swiftboats New Member

    Is this set still available?
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