20m Solar trimaran in the lake

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by skycary, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. skycary
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    skycary Junior Member

    This is a test boat, all power supply by 297m2 Solar panels,filter pumps in the tank,
    Treat and clean the water whit low speed (1-3kn),it can find the suitable path depend on GPS whitout people,
    give me some suggestions,thanks all。

    philSweet and BlueBell like this.
  2. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Is that a bullet train locomotive body?
  3. IronPrice
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    IronPrice Senior Member

    Ambitious but not very practical. Assumedly it has to back into to dock and load/unload at the stern?
  4. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    How are the panels when it comes to corrosion? I would also be concerned about cleaning them, as a build up of thin film left by evaporation from anything that gets up there may affect performance.
  5. skycary
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    skycary Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply,yes,but mainly for beauty,actually, it is going at low speed,wind resistance is not big.
  6. skycary
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    skycary Junior Member

    Thank you for your advice. I should admit that this is not the most cost-effective way to treat water,but in China,water pollution is very serious and “Excess Capacity” is everywhere,there are many shipyards without orders and many solar panels need to be sold,the test boat attempt to provide a way for utilize existing excess resources.
    about dock and load/unload, it is not difficult,the boat built whit aluminum,total weight 18t,sidehulls can be removed.a truck crane can hoisting its parts。
  7. skycary
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    skycary Junior Member

    thanks!It works in fresh water. i think the corrosion will not be serious,a freshwater tank and 2 squirt guns to be provied for cleaning ,the boat has been running for month,have not found the obvious efficiency reduction,btw,the solar power efficiency is still low,only at the sunny noon,energy is enough for full working
  8. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    I think the solar panels should be level with the top of the central hull, otherwise they will be shaded when the sun is not directly overhead. The power output from cells wired in series is greatly reduced when shaded.
  9. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Do the filtration pumps also provide propulsion? Can you provide a sketch of on-board systems? propulsion and filtration operation? Electrical conversion, storage and management? What are you filtering out? How much of it is human-origin and how much is stuff that is just naturally in the water?
  10. skycary
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    skycary Junior Member

    2X5kw Electric motor for propulsion ,actually, the “filtration pumps system”used for giving tiny oxygen bubbles and
    medicament of inhibit algae growing。
    solar panels output DC24V -50kW
    dc-to-ac inverte AC 380V
    lithium batterys 240kwh
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  11. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Looks like designed by some aerospace student, and then built by mistake :)
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