2012 student yacht design contest

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Sea Level YDE, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. Sea Level YDE
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Sea Level YDE Sea Level - Jeroen

    Students of all kinds of study’s with a refreshing and renewing vision on design are invited to join the contest. Like art academies, polytechnics for naval architecture, product design, industrial design etc. Also students sending work to Boatdesign.com are invited. Detailed technical knowledge of yachts is no necessity, but you need to have affinity with design. Who dares? http://www.itallstartswithdesign.nl
  2. kdhorton
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    kdhorton HM Small Boat Designer

    Do you have to be a student at an institution?
  3. Sea Level YDE
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    Sea Level YDE Sea Level - Jeroen

    Dear kdhorton, the yacht design contest is organised to get in touch with students.
    Fresh talent! Professional yacht designers may not enter this contest. If you are a student but not at an Polytechnic, Academy or similar no problem to submit!
    Hope I answered your question, regards Jeroen
  4. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Though I understand that this is just a styling contest, I hope that the judging board will take some care of the technical feasibility and soundness of the submissions. Otherwise it might become just a competition in sci-fi 3D modelling.
    I hope you'll get back to share with us the final results of the competition.
    Cheers and good luck! :)
  5. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    on a 12 to 17 meter boat i defenitly would advice those 6 frends a real cabin!
    funny that i seem to pass http://www.sealevel.nl/en/ about daily but i'm not a fresh student anymore
    nor full pro, so cant give it a go and no need to ask if the i-pad can be an android as well
    yet i wish you good luck with the creativity hunt!

  6. Sea Level YDE
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Sea Level YDE Sea Level - Jeroen

    Thanks Yipster! I need to make a small correction: submissions please to: Ms. Nilofar Afshar. na@sealevel.nl

    Enter the contest before December 15th 2011.
    All documentation must be completed and returned to Sea Level before 10 February 2012

    More info: www.itallstartswithdesign.nl
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