2003 Wellcraft Coastal 250 water on cabin floor

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sierra7, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. sierra7
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    sierra7 Junior Member

    Water is leaking in at the seams of the bench seats in my cabin. see attached videos. I have changed the portlight windows, bow hatch, bow light, cleared the anchor rope locker and sealed every nook and crannie I could find. The water is clear and appears to be rain water. No leaks around toilet or vacuum generator. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks Bob

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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    An easy way to find deck leaks is to use a hose and have somebody below decks. Start spraying at high pressure and see at which area the water starts coming down.
  3. sierra7
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    sierra7 Junior Member

    I tried that, but the water is under the 2 front bench seats. There is a channel (made of fiberglass) running under the seats. Somehow the water is getting in there.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    So no water comes into the boat when you hose it down?
  5. sierra7
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    sierra7 Junior Member

    Its difficult to explain, the water is under the bench seats on both sides of the boat and remains contained until I bring the boat up on plane and let the bow down abruptly. The force makes the water come out onto the cabin floor through the seams as depicted in the video I attached to the first post. I'll attach some still photos to give you a better perspective. As I said I have I have changed the portlight windows, bow hatch, bow light, cleared the anchor rope locker and sealed every nook and crannie I could find. Still getting water in under the seats. Thanks again any and all suggestions welcomed !!!!

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  6. sierra7
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    sierra7 Junior Member

    Still dealing with this, I thought the leak was at the windshield. I covered most of the bow and the entire windshield with a roof tarp. After a heavy rain water still on cabin floor. See videos on earlier post. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Do you have an AC in the boat? It could be the condensate.

  8. sierra7
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    sierra7 Junior Member

    NO AC
    Did you look at the videos? I'm thinking maybe the rub rail????
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