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20' Silhouette Deckboat Molds for sale $4000.00

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Tk7000, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. Tk7000
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    Tk7000 Junior Member

    20' Tunnel Hull deckboat molds for sale $4000.00
    located southern california

    $4k - Jet outboard outdrive family deckboat tunnel hull molds for sale

  2. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    Keith never did anything with them, that's too bad. I sold him the original plug, he seemed gung ho to resurrect them. We used to have fun building them back in the day.
  3. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    Hello Cobra1. New member and probably not the best way to do this but would like to get more info on a 20' Silhouette o/b project I picked up since you are familiar with these hulls. Thanks.
  4. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    Hello Cobra1. New member and probably not the best way to do this but would like to get more info on a 20' Silhouette o/b project I picked up.
  5. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    What would you like to know?
  6. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    A prior owner was experimenting with handling fixes or improvements by extending the strakes on the outside sponsoons all the way to the transom. Looks like they ripped a triangular section off a 2x4 and screwed wooden extensions into the hull. Then then sealed and painted over, no glass. Was there any proposed mods to the mold where I should consider redoing this or was the handling fine and they should be removed?

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    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  7. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    That's nut's. We did do a few that we did mod's on, but it was the first 7' of the the nose. It was done to keep the spray coming over the front, knock it down a bit.
    The problem with the boat is the center sponson. I think Rick was using a chinese measuring tape when he built that part of it. I bought the original plug from him about 15 years ago +or-. We never had any handling issues up to 70-75. when you get up past 80, it can be a handfull.
  8. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    A prior owner extended the strakes on the outside sponsoons to the transom by ripping a triangular shaped section from a 2x4 and bonding to the hull. Looks like they were experiencing with some handling fixes or improvements. It was not permanent and now in poor shape. Is there a good reason to redo this mod or should I remove the hack work and leave those strakes as they were in the mold?
    Thanks for the feedback. I'll remove the remains of this mod.

    Did any of the o/b versions have stringers added? Mine does not but has a good set of knees bracing the transom. How far of a setback could I go with the 3.0 Merc 225 it came with.

    Also, my center sponsoon has 3/4" x 2" rectangles of missing gel. What do you think this was?

    I really like the hull but as you can see needs a lot of love.

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    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  9. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    They had stringers in the sponsons, nothing on the top of the tunnel, just balsa core. Couldn't say about the gel. Post up a pic of the boat, if you can.
    We used to have have Larry ??? last name shoot the gel coat, his father in law did Eliminator boats. Last I saw of Larry he was on River Daves Place in the forums, goes by gelcoater. The boat liked outboards the best, a V6 or V8 merc was good, heavy *** jets, not so much.
  10. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    Here are a few pics when I picked it up a few years back. Completely sun baked where much of the vinyl was gone and the foam destroyed. Interior was a complete throw away. Auto paint over the gel...retro mid 90's Go Suns theme. Went from orange, to pearl white to purple...purple carpet + seats. Only part pretty cool was the airbrushed gorilla on the cowl of the Merc.

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  11. Cobra1
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    I wouldn't go any more than a 6" set back, it will get squirrely when you go more than that. That's an expensive interior to do, they were paying 4K back then t oget themm done, in house as well. We had one of the first Opti outboards on the market, ran out of gas on Pleasent breaking it in, I don't know why he didn't throw a 5 gallon can in the boat, that was a bad day. After the break in we tested about a dosen props for it, best was a 3 blade merc prop netting about 75 with 2 people and 1/2 a fuel load, on Pleasant.
  12. Silhouette20
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    It came with a cast set back spacer and a Land & Sea jack plate. Total around 9-10 inches. Pump on the plate leaked down but did work. I took it apart and hope to get it together but it's been a while and you know how that goes. I was considering replacing the old outdated set-up with a Bob's unit.

    They had fun in this thing. Cleaned out lots of beads, beer cans, cigarette packs, loose change from behind the tanks and below the floor. Last regisered in 2003 so the boat sat. 3.0 fuel injected Merc super clean and low hours. Probably only saw a handful of summers before being left in a side yard. There was enough blue 1mm x1mm squares of blue tarp ruminants in the tunnels to recolor 20230430_145805.jpg my driveway.
  13. Silhouette20
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    ....also found a deal on Craigs on seats. Came from Eliminator in Riverside. Customer had a new interior being put in and their interior shop listed these. They are in good usable shape just super heavy as they are all composite/no wood. Bench seat is too wide but I plan to section it to fit. This leaves the side panels and the open bow to deal with.

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  14. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    Cut the bench in half, put a french stitch seam in the middle, bottom's should be easy to take out what you need and stitch a new panel on the side, or spend more money and redo them. Side panels can be simple, cut the plywood, cover with resin, get some vinyl, 1/2" or 1/4 scrim and some fat cord/welt 3/8" to 1/2", stainless staples and she's done.

    20 years ago, who was the owner 20 years ago?

  15. Silhouette20
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    Silhouette20 New Member

    The seats were a good find and will make the interior job go much quicker.

    The hull is stripped bare and ready for exterior work. I towed it over to a marine shop in Deer Valley in hopes to sand off the auto paint and then restore the white gel. Paint tech said the gel was pretty thin and he suspected they hit it with a d/a sander to get the auto paint to stick. He did not think there would be much left to work with after getting the auto paint sanded off. Then suggested a complete re-gel as that shop does not do auto paint which I am considering for cost savings. Neighbors brother sprays cars for a living but to do this ourselves, I'd still want to get the hull turned over where the repairs to the bottom could be done properly. Would consider towing to LHC or Southern Cal if I could find the right person for the job. Any suggestions? Wonder what TK7000 would charge for an old school build from the mold with 3 or 4 colors of gel at that point. Just trying to think outside the box.
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