1994 Volvo Penta Stuck!

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by UP Dave, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    I bought a 1994 SeaSwirl this spring from a long time friend who was fighting cancer. I used the boat all summer salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. I'm trying to service the motor and stern drive for winter, I'm trying to pull the outdrive to grease the universals and grease the spline shaft. The unit will not come out! I can get it to move about 1/2 inch. I've pounded wedges in to put pressure on it, I've got a nylon strap around the unit and a come a long hooked to a post in my garage and it still will not budge!
    Anyone have any ideas what could be holding it or what to do to get it unstuck?
    I've had Mercrusier I/O's for decades and I always did my own servicing but this is the 1st Volvo Penta!
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What model drive do you have? It may have the splines rusted into the coupler.
  3. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    I think it is a SX, but don't really know! On the model plate it just says ratio 1.66, no model number. The motor is a 5.0 v-8
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The splines and u-joints look the same as a Mercruiser. If the splines are rusted, you may need to cut the input shaft to remove the drive. I assume you already disconnected the shift cable and took off the threaded barrel.
  5. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    Yes, I've disconnected the shift cable. I checked the splines on the shaft this afternoon and sprayed them with penetrating oil. The only way I could see them was with a mirror on a stick. They didn't look rusty but looked dry. Gonzo, Thanks for the help, I'll keep spraying the shaft every couple of days and maybe it will let loose. If not -- well!
    I've uploaded two pics of the outdrive!

    Attached Files:

  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    On this drive, instead of holding it from above, like a Mercruiser or OMC, you support the drive from below. Most use a transmission jack and maybe some hunks of wood to support the plate. I have a bracket for a floor jack that does the same thing and also use a length of pipe through the outer cylinder hole, which gets ratchet strapped to the bracket. Once all strapped down, it's backed out after a little cussing and wiggling. It seems these drivse like to bind if you just try to pull them straight back, so take the load off the contact points with some up pressure, than "talk to it" a little.

  7. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    Thanks for the info and pic! I did have a similar device under my drive but pulled it out after I disconnected the drive shaft boot. I wanted to check if there was grease in the gimbel bearing and what the shaft condition was inside the boot. Lots of grease and it was leaking on my dolly!
  8. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    I purchased some Aero Kroil penetrating oil and have been spraying the spline shaft where it goes into the coupling. I've been doing this for 2 months now and still can't get it to move! I'm going south for the winter and hopefully the damm thing will be laying on the floor when I get back!!
  9. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    Got it out! Talked to a Canadian boat dealer while in Mexico this winter and he told me to put a board on the floor and pick up and drop the lower unit! I did this about 100 times and gave up! I looked at where the L.U. stop was and put a small board 3/4 in. thick in that spot. Two drops and it popped out! Splines were rusted together.
    I sprayed the splines with Aero kroil every day for a week before departing for Mexico, that stuff is AWSOME!
  10. Skua
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    Skua Senior Member

    Your pic shows an OMC Cobra, not A VP SX.
  11. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Sx is a cobra
  12. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Thats why volvo purchased omc sterndrives.

  13. UP Dave
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    UP Dave Junior Member

    That's why I posted the pic - to find out what drive it was, but it didn't make a difference! You guys weren't much help! Aero Kroil and a Canadian Marine dealer did the job!
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