1992 / 1993 Seaswirl 195 SWL purchase

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Vulkyn, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Its been ages since I visited the forums, life has been challenging to say the least but im back this time with a boat :p

    It only took me 6 years to finally manage to buy one.
    Building my boat is still a dream (albeit a close one as well) but figured to enjoy some boating activity till then.

    The boat belonged to my father in law I was in the boat only once 7 years ago and i liked its handling and the fact its a caddy (much better than open deck for red sea).

    The boat unfortunately was left out in the sun for a long period (around 5 years) so its going to need a lot of love and attention. The engine is well preserved (plenty of engine grease for storage), however the electrical systems will probably need re-wiring as they are in appealing shape. I am getting it checked by a fiber-glass technician in the next couple of days.
    The hull looks ok considering the age but the gel coat layer needs much work (Pics attached)
    I will probably need to replace all rubber tubes just to be on the safe side as well.

    There is much risk in what i have done but to me, the journey and challenge is what i really enjoy.

    I have tried searching for the boats manual (dimensions, wiring diagrams, etc.) but could only find a generic operation manual. (I did find an OMC link for the Johnson engines for the spare parts manual)
    Does any one have information on this boat that they can share? as i will probably have to work on the boat from scratch up ;)

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  2. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Some more hull pics :)

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  3. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Yah i figured its not easy to get any information on this boat !

    Well on Sunday I'm going to start taking some pictures and running through all the electrical systems, hopefully then I can have a clearer picture.
  4. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Well, years have gone by and lots has happened. Decided to rekindle this old thread as i have been working on the boat for some time.

    Lots of pics and information so will update when ever i have time.

    To kick start here is a the manuals for the Johnson engine (spare parts and service)

    Evenrude / Johnson BRP spare parts manuals

    year 1992-2001 engines 65-300 HP service manuals
    Boatinfo - 1992-2001 Evinrude Service manual http://boatinfo.no/lib/evinrude/manuals/1992-2001johnsonevinrude.html#/0
  5. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Pictures of the boat when i picked her up, was a mess .......

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  6. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    First order of business was a really really good clean (with lots of help).
    The hull is sound but quite rough below the water line, there are cracks and peeling but nothing structural.

    The engine seemed ok (little did i know what will be uncovered) and i got the impression this will be a quick simple task to get the boat up and running again little did i know that the electricity, cabling, lots of engine parts and interior would need to be changed but more on that later.

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  7. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Inspection revealed the following:
    • Horn not working (critical as all alarms on this model relies on buzzer / horn for alarms)
    • Years of stagnating fuel residues in engine / tank
    • Rusted seat plates above hull.
    • Broken gauges
    • Starter motor was fixed poorly and jams
    • Worn starter motor mounts in the body
    • Electric problems (devices not working / worn cables etc)
    • Major electric wiring / sealing issues (duct tape rather than heat shrink in exposed areas etc)
    • Worn oil tank / cables
    • Fuel sender not working
    • Engine trim sender not working
    • Interior & carpet worn
    • Broken ladder

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    Last edited: May 27, 2019
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I like the boat. Sure she is old but if you have the resources to fix her it should be a very rewarding project.
  9. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Well LOTS of updates on the boat ! Have tons of pictures and information so quick brief and update pics later:

    • VRO 2 pump membrane was shot, serviced the pump and replaced the worn parts.
    • Carburettor needle was stuck, all cleaned and fixed.
    • Power pack was working 1 side only (changed)
    • Rectifier was not working, broke 4 bolts taking it out (major pain) thankfully the mechanic was able to get them out.
    1. first heated the outside body, then used a clamp to remove the bolt.
    2. This took some time most bolts cam out except one
    3. We got a nail and welded it into the broken bolt and got that out after it cooled down.
    • Fuse cables changed from Glass to fork fuze
    • Main engine cable changed, the original cable had one wire not conducting (purple)
    • Starter motor changed
    • Had a major problem with worn mountings, i had to take extreme measures for that so i did the following:
    1. Drilled right through the engine block for the top side way mount, used a long bolt with nut to hold it in place
    2. Epoxied and fitted a larger threaded bold in the body so i can fit the starter with a nut and not come near the body again
    • Water cooling nipple was broken, couldnt find a spare so made one out of copper
    • Changed Oil tank as old one was in terrible condition + not sending signals for low oil / no oil alarm
    • Fitted a water separator just in case (i have a worn fuel sender gasket ordered new one but was worried water seeped in)

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  10. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member


    Most of the boats electrics have been changed to non marine, it seems the issue was unavailability of parts so what ever issue was faced was swapped with non marine:
    • Ignition was car grade 3 connectors with cut outs (Choke / solenoid was disconnected), replaced with a 5 connector OMC with choke ignition.
    • Solenoid O-ring was worn and spilled fuel after trying new ignition, O-ring replaced.
    • Gear safety stop was not connected, meaning boat would start even if shifted.
    • Main off switch was bypassed and would only disconnected engine electrics not battery, changed to completely shut off from battery.
    • All gauges where shot, all replaced and added battery & engine counter.
    • Buzzer was not working (I know!!!) finally found one installed and tested heat / no oil / low oil alarms.
    • A TON of additional wires where removed and i mean a TON !!! No idea what they where for to be honest ....
    • New trimm sender unit installed, old one was shot.
    • Fishfinder installed
    • Solar panel built to (40 watts) to trickle charge battery to keep it toped off
    • New LED strip fitted for lighting (helps me work at night time!)
    • New Marine clamps instead of the old copper ones
    • Installed new + & - bus bars under console
    • Re-wired all electrical according and added fuses for unfused items.
    • New 4 mm 55 amp marine grade cable from stern to terminals
    • New fiberglass dashboard, new switches and new bilge pump switches
    • New marine 12 volt with USB charger fitted in cabin.
    • 2 Marine 12 volt fitted one at console one stern left side.
    *Some dodgy working conditions with beer cans and battery but hey it was 2 am in the morning !!!

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  11. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Indeed, i think i am hooked ..... probably look for another boat as soon as i'm done with this one ...
  12. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Way to go Vulkyn !

    At least you're not easily scared . . ;)

    The gas might quickly eat the bottle though, maybe better put it in the Amstel Zero can and keep your finger on it . . :eek:

    Cool boat, good luck with this project . . :cool:
  13. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Well aside from shorting out things a couple of times (and i mean sparks flying every where, adrenaline kicking in ) its been a blast :D

    Yes, i switched to Amstel Zero already good advice :D

    Starting to look a little more civilized to be honest !

    Here are some civilized pics hehe (new dashboard, new steering, new cover and new leather) :) will do a high pressure water wash next time ...

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  14. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    That looks like you're working fast !

    It seems to be a trailer without brakes, so I'll guess it needs a relatively heavy tow car.

  15. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    LOL noooo been working on it for more than 2 years (on and off) this is just the collected information and pics :D I didnt put a time line on the pics.

    Yes i hire a truck to move it around as i dont have a heavy tow car (got a sedan and really need to change.).
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