1984 Gulfstar Keel: is this Gelcoat seam or?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Dave_R, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Dave_R
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    Dave_R New Member

    Greetings! This forum comes highly recommended, and I could use some professional advice. I’m under contract on a 1984 Gulfstar 44. See the attached pix. There was a crack at the rear of the keel, where it meets the hull. Results of a grounding.

    Note that this is an encapsulated keel, not a bolt on keel.

    As repair progressed, the owner, the glass repair guy, and I, cannot agree on what we’re seeing here. The glass guy says this is a gelcoat seam, and not a crack. He’s seen it in other Gulfstars.

    If it is a gelcoat seam, then why is there a gelcoat seam apparently around the entire keel?

    What do you think?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    By 84 Gulfstar was using encapsulated lead for the keel with a solid layup for the hull. Depending on the mould construction and fabrication sequence it could be a seam, or part of the root fairing tabbing. Never having been head down inside the sump, are there keel bolts to support the lead or just a smooth sump? Is it weeping? From the feather edge, it does look like it has been coated for blistering, a common problem of that age and construction.
  3. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Is seam.
    The keel and hull are from at least three separate molds. Hull, port keel and starboard keel.
    There will be a line where the molds meet.
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  4. Dave_R
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    Dave_R New Member

    No keel bolts--smooth sump. No weeping that we could discern.
  5. Dave_R
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    Dave_R New Member

    So you're saying this is a normal seam from joining parts of the mold? Do you know how the sections were attached/bonded together?
  6. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    I don't know Gulfstar's production techniques.

    I do know that a one piece molds would be impossible.

  7. nota
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    nota Junior Member

    dude what boat size racer cruiser motorsail and most importantly WHO DID THE DRAWING
    gulfstar had some early junk and by 84 had name designers doing the boats SOME GOOD SOME REAL JUNK


    NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE and somebody has done it

    hire a survey yes they cost s bit
    no I do not do them
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