1973 Silverton Replace V Drive

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Singleinboard, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Singleinboard
    Joined: Jan 2018
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    Singleinboard New Member

    Hi all, I own a 1973 Silverton 27' single Inboard flybridge Sedan.

    360 Chrysler, Standard rotation, Paragon Gear and Paragon Water Cooled Vdrive.

    Great Boat !

    V drive spun its top gear on the input shaft splines. Can not find a replacement V drive.

    I understand many have replaced trans and vdrive with a Velvet drive trans and a Walter V Drive. I have a marine trans shop sourcing this but wanted to know if anyone out there has done this. Not sure of how it will mount up in the boat and what to expect.

    Any advice - or better yet a source for the old style Vdrive would be great.

    Thanks !
  2. missinginaction
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    A few years back I restored a 1973 Silverton 25.5 Sportster. Don't worry if you've never heard of it, they didn't make many. My rig is very similar to what you have. My boat came from the factory with a 302 Ford V-8, Velvet Drive and Walter v-drive. It's the direct mount type. Simply bolts to the end of the velvet drive. I'm pretty familiar with the components as I had the engine/drive out of the boat, replaced the shaft, Cutlass bearing and coupling to the v-drive. Did the alignment myself. It's not that difficult if you take your time.

    I ordered the coupling and fasteners direct from Walter gear. I'd call Walter Gear and ask them about what you want to do. They'll be able to give you all the information you need. A word of advice though. They're not inexpensive. That said, I believe that you DO get what you pay for. I've never had a bit of trouble with the drive line.

    I'm not familiar with Paragon but understand parts are very difficult to obtain. Provided you have room (which you should), you would need a bell housing for your 360, a proper Velvet Drive and a v-drive. I would think a direct mount v-drive from Walter Gear would work for you. The v-drive is raw water cooled, the Velvet Drive simply has lines running to an oil cooler.

    If I can help with some pictures, just ask.



  3. 7228sedan
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    I have a 1972 28 Foot Luhrs (almost the twin to your boat). The Paragon V Drives that were in our boats originally are obsolete. Parts are Pretty hard to get as well. I have a Velvet 72C V Drive in my boat. The geometry will be most likely different from your current transmission. I upgraded my transmission from the 71 series to the 72 series as I have a 454. The 71 series is typically placed behind small block motors. The 72 series was around an inch longer. I unbolted the motor and transmission mounts, slid the whole assembly aft and drilled fresh holes for the mounts. The hardest part about these set ups is the prop shaft/output coupling alignment. Trial and error, measure twice and drill once :). Once you make the switch, you will be very happy. The Velvet drive transmissions and appropriate v-drives are still in production, they are very simple to work on, and parts are a plenty if needed. Re-manufactured units are readily available from various outlets. I found mine on ebay used for 1,500. It's been in there for 8 years with nothing done to it other than a fresh coat of paint.

  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I'd be inclined to agree, in that you have difficult to obtain pieces, so use something more available. Walter v-drive's work and parts are available. You'll spend more making what you have work, instead of fixing a used Walter. Ditto the Velvet Drive 71C , which will do for your engine and is the one I prefer, because it's easier to align.
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