1967 Kelsall Trimaran "Trifle"

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Time2Tri, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Time2Tri
    Joined: Jan 2017
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    Time2Tri Junior Member

    40 foot, Trifle', currently in the USA, Any knowledge of this Speedster?

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  2. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Saw the craigslist listing, I'm surprised it is in the states. General Farrant's old Trifle is one famous boat in England where it was the boat to beat for years. I'm surprised nobody from Golden Oldies has snagged this one.
  3. rscxx
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    rscxx New Member


    I bought her. Does anyone have any info about her besides whats on the wikipeadia website?
    She's going to need a lot of work..
  4. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    work, that's half the fun.
    good luck with the information
  5. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Join Golden Oldies if you haven't already, this group based in France has the mssion purpose of saving historical multihull racers, very helpful and friendly.

    Look up the Brit A.Y.R.S. web site and go through back issues of the journal from the day.

    Also in the UK look up Scott Brown Multihulls and get onto the forum archives, I think it is called the multihull.com .There is a Kelsall section there.

    Look up old race accounts from the day, they were well covered and should led you to more connections.

    Have fun! I'm sure Derek would answer questions.
  6. Time2Tri
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    Time2Tri Junior Member

    rscxx - I hope you got to talk with the owners brother - he had a lot of good info on the boat -
  7. Hv2sail
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    Hv2sail New Member

    Rscxx I have sailed Trifle in the Mobjack bay of Gloucester VA. I think it was about 2 years ago. I may have some information. Please email me. You should be able to through my profile. Congratulations. I think she is a worthy boat. Regards, Mark
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  8. Hv2sail
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    Hv2sail New Member

    Trifle on railway at Jordan's marina, Gloucester VA

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  9. Skeezix
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    Skeezix Junior Member

    For sale again, SailboatListings.com ad dated 29 September 2019. Both of the photos above are in the current ad, so none probably are current photos.

    Correction, it has a Facebook page so some pics seem current. Needs at least sails and a good cleaning, but it gets out and about.

    Trimaran Trifle https://m.facebook.com/TrimaranTrifle/
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
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