1967 Hobo Houseboat rebuild, and mods

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by silentneko, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. silentneko
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    silentneko Senior Member

    Hey guys, I started a YouTube channel to track some of my projects and do some how-to/DIY stuff.

    I recently picked up an old 1967 Pawson HOBO mini Houseboat. She's a train wreck, but I rented on a few years ago and fell in love with the concept (see previous old posts). This is the shorter original version, and as I'm rebuilding it I plan to add a hull extension.

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  2. silentneko
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  3. silentneko
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  4. Tops
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  5. silentneko
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    silentneko Senior Member

    Thanks. Hadn't really planned on T-shirts or anything. Wasn't even planning on monetizing it or sponsorships. Just a channel to share my stuff. I figured the guys at work would get a kick out of the title and such. I'll definitely check out your build when the holiday craziness passes.
  6. silentneko
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    silentneko Senior Member

    Started removing some of the old rigging and such from the old transom brackets.
    In the trash pile is a steel channel piece? Some control cables, old wiring harness, fuel lines that fed inside the boat (scary), pulleys and steering cable, speaker wire (no idea), and an old extension cord that fed something at one point.


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  7. Tops
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    My boat had some super sketchy wiring. some of the circuits were doorbell wire, speaker wire would have been an upgrade. The fuse box was in the rear lazarete next to the gas tank with wires soldered to screw terminals and wrapped around solder lugs without solder. I made a new control panel (switches and fuses) in the cabin and ran stranded wire to have basic interior and navigation lights. I also added a solar panel and charge controller. with The final phase will be to replace the stranded with tinned duplex. If you are adding 12v accessories and jacks, make sure to test polarity along with voltage before using. I wired one jack backwards and 'let the smoke out' of a cheap USB charging plug.
  8. silentneko
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    silentneko Senior Member

    I've become fairly good at rewiring my boat builds. I always start from scratch so I know what's in there. Always use tinned wire because we operate in saltwater, and separate electrical components from any power sources.

    That said, this boat might have a 12v and 110v system so I'm still figuring that out. I'd be interested in learning more about the solar panel and controller as that's likely the way I will go for the basic house system.
  9. Tops
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    Here is the panel and charger, going on 4 years with the same small lawnmower battery. Controller had an issue year 1 and company replaced on their dime sight unseen.

    SUNER POWER 50 Watts Mono Crystalline 12V Solar Panel Kits - Waterproof 50W Solar Panel + Upgraded 10A Solar Charge Controller +


    Here is the KiCAD schematic with pictorial references, all is installed except the masthead steam light and switch.
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  10. silentneko
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  11. silentneko
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  12. silentneko
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  13. Tops
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    Sorry to hear/see there is mushy core. I ended up jacking mine up and running bracing pieces port to starboard as I rebuild the structural bits.
  14. silentneko
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    silentneko Senior Member

    I've got some plans in the works. I think because of the runners, and how thin it is I'll need to brace it with beams running front to back. At least 4.

  15. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Are the runners hollow or cored?
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