19' Lighting sailboat mast stepping

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by muse, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. muse
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    muse New Member

    I bought a Lightning this week and the mast is the hardest I have ever raised. Is there a safer way ?
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A gin pole or A frame, with the A frame being more steady in cross winds, but more cumbersome to store.
  3. muse
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    muse New Member

    Thanks, when I get the mast vertical it must be dropped through the deck into a box on the floor. Threading a needle with a 25 ft. pole.

    We had three experienced sailors one was the seller, we got confused and we nearly dropped it.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I used to own a Lightning and I used a gin pole.
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  5. muse
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    muse New Member

    I'll build one.
  6. brian eiland
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  7. muse
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    It was in NC 10 miles from my home, stored in a dry barn. The sails were store in the seller's home and in great condition.
    The boat was painted 5 years ago by a professional boat builder.
  8. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Sounds like a nice vessel. :cool:
  9. muse
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    muse New Member

    Lightning 19'

    When I saw it for the first time I was shocked to see a boat in such good shape for a 66. I felt that lump in my throat like the first time you meet a woman that you can't forget

    The seller is a perfectionist like many people who own boats.
  10. muse
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    muse New Member

    How can I buy or get plans to build a gin pole??
  11. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Perhaps it is really tech-nic that you need. I can remember many buyers of our Prindle and Nacra catamarans that had trouble with raising the masts at the begining. With a little time spent around some more experienced guys, there are technics that can be learned. I'm sure that mast is no heavier, nor taller, than one on a Prindle 19...or 18 for that matter...or Hobie cats.
  12. muse
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    muse New Member


    I will call a few local owners.

  13. PAR
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    Brian is absolutely correct. I can spend the next 20 minutes attempting to describe the process or you can watch it being done and learn much more in 5 minutes. It doesn't have to be a Lightning, but any keel stepped stick will do, they all have the same difficulties and each will need slight adaptations to suit your specific needs.
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