19 Glasply I/O to Outboard

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Dillusion, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Dillusion
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    This showed up yesterday. Slowly getting there.

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  2. Dillusion
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    A lot more progress now that I got the bracket. Really need to find better matching paint. Won't be able to hang the motor to hopefully this weekend when I get more hands.

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  3. Dillusion
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    Got her in the water and came out better than I expected.
    I did not measure but just eye balling it she sits in the water better. Also with 3 people standing on the stern at the sand bar water does not come on to my deck. Before would have a little come in.

    About 3 GPH trolling speed so not too much gain there but still something. Best gains was when I try to get her moving. The power to now from a dead stop to get on plane is night and day. Need to still find the sweet spot for cruise speed but she seemed happy around 26 knts. WOT I got up to 38knts.

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