19 Glasply I/O to Outboard

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Dillusion, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Dillusion
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    What the hell may as well start a thread so everyone can tell me what I did wrong. One way to learn.

    Boat : 19 Glasply
    Old Motor : Volvo 4.3L Gas w/DP-290 Leg

    Bracket : A&J Marine Welding w/o platform. Trying to keep cost down and shipping to Hawaii is crazy.
    New Motor : Mercury Verado 175

    Just got tired of the crap MPG. Burning 3.5 - 4 GPH trolling at only 7.5 knts. Also tired of trying to maneuver in the bilge for maintenance and if anything broke.

    Another 6 weeks or so to get here so plenty time to start getting ready.

    Started gutting and cleaning. The bilge is filthy and I just painted it last year when I had the motor out for starter replacement.

    Transom is solid. I'm going to assume it was modified at some point because I found old transom shield holes while grinding away. So going to plan on just filling in and not replacing the whole transom.

    Also going with epoxy because no idea what was used on the last work that was done.

    Was planing on reusing wiring but after really digging into it for some reason the PO still had individual ground wires running to the stern even though there is a ground bus under the dash. Just going to fix all of it while I'm at it.

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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  2. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    It isn't a bad way to go as sterndrive configurations are extremely expensive to maintain. Maybe put a knee or two on the transom to tie it in with the stringers/engine beds. I don't know if you will see the fuel consumption improvements you expect, but would appreciate hearing your thoughts on that once you have enough time up with the new rig please? Best wishes for a successful outcome.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Are the engine bed or other stringers tied to the transom? You need a structural connection if you go to a pod as the engine before was tied to hull via the engine bed stringers. So, as @C. Dog suggests; you can add knees or tab the main stringers or both.
  4. Dillusion
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    Will be adding knees. I'm going to wait until the bracket gets here though I don't want to interfere with the mounting bolts.

    I don't even care if its .5 gph change it will be worth not working on that damn cramped space.

    I'm not an expert but Gonozo said no need.

    Extending Stringers https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/extending-stringers.68714/

    Either way yes the port and starboard stringers do tie to transom. But I'm also going to add knees just because I'm paranoid.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  5. Dillusion
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    Only spent little over an hour on it last night. Started to rain a little and got cold so I figure I stop.

    Got the plug in and glassed couple layers on the outside. Each layer about 1/2" to 3/4" bigger than the previous.

    Couple more layers today maybe and start on the inside more. Also got the dash holes plugged forgot to take pics of that.

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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
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  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I was not referring to extending stringers; just making sure they are tabbed to transom and hull with glass.
  7. Dillusion
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    Existing is from what I've found online so I'm rolling with it.

    Still adding knees.

    Also not sure how I'm going to do it yet but I'm going to box out the bilge for storage and might tie that in to the bulkhead and extend back to the transom as well. Just focused on closing the hole first then on to the next. I have a hard time visualizing ahead of time so baby steps.
  8. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    When you're up and running there will be fine tuning with the height but it is fairly safe practise to set the cavvy plate (Aussie slang) about 2" above the keel bottom with a pod mounted outboard. Spray must be monitored closely because it will destroy your engine in short time, it breathes that air. Also if your bracket doesn't have sufficient buoyancy the engine can become submerged, which generally causes instant and catastrophic failure if it is running.
  9. Dillusion
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    I'm hoping not to run into issues but supposedly bracket has about 50 gallons of buoyancy which is supposedly 400 ish lbs.

    The mercury is listed at 510 lbs and bracket is around 60lbs. I'm pretty sure my old *** 4.3L and DP with accessories has to be about the same. I understand it is hanging 2 feet farther back so guess we shall see.

    There was another person with a 19 Glasply that hung a Zuke 200 off the back and doesn't have issues. Granted different bracket but time will tell I guess.
  10. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Most potential issues shouldn't be that hard to correct, and you may be sweet from initial setup, let's hope so.
  11. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    In order for the pod to add 400 pounds of buoyancy; it would need about 6.5 cuft below dwl. Unlikely. I think what they mean is the pod is pos buoyant. The two are very different. One is for how much buoyancy against sinking; the other is how much displacement does it add to the boat.
  12. Dillusion
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    I'm not counting on getting that much but it should help with flotation regardless while at rest. Before I could have 2 guys standing at the stern and water did not come in through the deck drains. So I'm hoping I wasn't really stern heavy to begin with to help.

    I can move my fish box depending on how she sits after since its above deck.
  13. Dillusion
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    Real work been holding up boat work but got the outside faired, needs more sanding and the inside glassed in with 5 layers.

    The white on the inside isn't air I started sanding before I remembered to take more pics of my "beautiful" work.

    Started figuring out the new storage area also.

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  14. Dillusion
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    Not much progress. Sucks getting old (I'm only 39) but hurt my back on good Friday doing I have no idea what.

    Bought an Ivory gel coat thinking my faded interior with some webbing would match. But it seems wayyyy to yellow. Think I'm going to gel it white with black webbing and live with it being a little brighter.

    I don't have all the pics but finished the covers for the new storage and to cover the big hole. Gel coated inside the storage and added a hatch for more bilge access. Picking up motor on Wednesday and hopefully get the bracket by end of the month.

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  15. Dillusion
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    Dillusion Junior Member

    Well bracket finally shipped so time to be active. Been slacking on pics but pretty much just been waiting on the bracket. All wiring, hoses everything has been done for months.

    Painted Transom & Got this thing sitting in my garage.

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