18ft Console Boat Restoration and Modification

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Maxxi, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Maxxi
    Joined: Apr 2019
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Started a new project that is ment to be finished for next fishing season. It's an old 1990 year 18ft fiberglass hull made for little heavier use. Should be quite good handling also in some decent chop. It was a CC, center console, but will be modified to side console design. Here some pics...

    The boat when I bougt it.


    Old stickers and decals removed, washed and cleaned.


    Casting deck build...

    Console modified to fit the side.



    Motor swapped to a newer one.

    Will update the progress.. Also going to make a project serie on youtube about the restoration build. First episode is done and more coming soon. Feel free to comment. :)

  2. Maxxi
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Have been using the boat for the whole season, and have been very pleased with it.

    Two more videos about the build:

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  3. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    I tend to like side consoles better too.

    Looks good
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  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    can jig while at the helm easier...
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  5. Maxxi
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Thank you. I fish mostly from the helm seat, searching for fish with livescope with an separate turnable pole mount. Can easily steer the boat and keep the livescope beam at the fish. Friend in the bow can also see the fish and cast/jig after it. This is when we search for big pike and zander. Other wise it's enough to find a big school of fish(perch for example) and just start casting. Three guys can easly cast from the boat one or two in the bow and third can stand on the back box/seat.


    One big pike from last october.


    Then this is the trolling setup for salmon trolling out on the sea.


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  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Quite amazing how you have pike and zander which are like walleye and perch and salmon..

    We have very similar fish here with some salmon in Lake Superior.

    That is one nice northern pike! If you need any advice on the boat; just ask!
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  7. Maxxi
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Thanks! Yea, zander and walleye are very clouse cousins. We have quite a lot of it here, also almost all lakes here has pike and perch. Those are the three most polpular fish species here. That lake Superior is a huge lake for sure. Almost as big as our sea 'Pohjanlahti'.




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  8. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    I've been to Finland, I worked for Neste in the 90s. We had a big event at the Neste headquarters, I even met the President of Finland while I was there. We also traveled to Kuusamo for several days.

    Loved the trip, Finland is a great place.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
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  9. Maxxi
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Thats nice to hear. Yes, this is a quite piecefull place to live with great nature and forests, and on the boating/fishing aspect we have a lot of lakes here and it's known as the land of a thousand lakes. :)
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I live in Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes, but actually more. But to get a cooler full of big perch like yours is not easy to do here. They don't get as big somehow..

    I have not seen the approach to jigging where all the jigs are kept on a board. Do you mind if ask if there is a strategy to it or just storage method I'm not used to?
  11. Maxxi
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    Yea, America is a very big continent with a lot of different kind of environment, would love to get there some time. Have been watching a lot of programs from Alaska, just incredible places there... The sea and coast here gives a lot of perch and the size usually is decent.

    On those jig boards you can keep the most of the jigs you use, they stay put and you can fast and easily switch one without the hassle of tackle boxes and jigs laying around the deck. Of course more jigs in tackle boxes...






  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    So, those are freshwater perch...

  13. Maxxi
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  14. Maxxi
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    Maxxi Junior Member

    Well, of course could get nice amount from fresh waters also, but it's easier in my location to get a good amount of perch from the sea coust.

  15. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Those are freshwater perch. I am jealous; those are really nice n big. Odd they are in the brackish; something new for me.
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