18' Aluminum Lund to diesel inboard

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by SurfinElvis, May 15, 2015.

  1. SurfinElvis
    Joined: May 2015
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    SurfinElvis New Member

    I am considering purchasing an 18' Lund and converting it into an inboard 3-cylinder diesel. Coupling the diesel to a jet drive was my original thought, but I am also considering installing a tunnel with a prop and rudder set-up.
    I am not concerned with speed, just want reliability and the ability to go in as shallow water as is reasonable.
    Thanks for your thoughts.

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  2. SurfinElvis
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    SurfinElvis New Member

    This is an 18' Lund. My original pic was a 14 footer.

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  3. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    One idea which would work but maybe a bit out of the box is to build yourself an asian style longtail with a small diesel on it. You would just clamp it on like an outboard and still have diesel power. Brilliant in shallow water.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What is your goal on converting an outboard to an inboard?
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    This will cost a bomb if using new equipment, and will have very poor performance. Which you say isn't a concern, but it will have little resale value.
  6. SurfinElvis
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    SurfinElvis New Member

    The goal is to utilize a boat I think I can get for cheap, utilize a repurposed diesel, and still have a bit of shallow water access. I run my diesel Range Rover and whole-house diesel genset on Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO), and I want a boat to run on the same fuel. The water is pretty shallow around here, too!
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The jet units are not cheap, and you need one that matches the engine properly. What's with all this shallow water, is the tide always out ? :D

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    "I am not concerned with speed, just want reliability and the ability to go in as shallow water as is reasonable."

    That's why outboards are installed.

    A diesel is no more reliable than a gas engine in similar repair.

    For really thin water , tilt up the outboard and use a DC trolling motor on the bow , where you can see and avoid real thin stuff.

    A long push pole is next , in thin water.Then its walk alongside.
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