17 meter or longer Wingmast section in carbon

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Jcatmad, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Jcatmad
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    Jcatmad Junior Member

    Im looking for a wing mast in carbon for a 5000Kg sailing weight 3800 OMR weight 12.5 meter long cat. The design spec calls for an aluminium section approx 130 by 390 mm thats is 17 meters long. With single spreaders with inner and outer diamonds though one designer suggested double diamonds double spreaders from just above forestay attachment to close to base of mast would better handle reefed main.

    My issue is having shopped around Im looking at $40K aussie for a mast and boom. Ill probably stick with an aluminium boom so just looking for a mast section with simple attach points.

    Does anyone know of a manufacturer who has a mandrel for such a section. Im thinking AMOCA 60 would use something similar. I don't want to reinvent the wheel just want a light weight spar, that keeps weight down and allows more payload for cruising.

    I have a full spec and drawing for Aluminium section, hounds approx 15 meters, shrouds spread to chainplate approx 3.8 meters either side of centreline, j measurement 3.5 meters. Carrying 60Sqm main, 28Sqm genoa 110% and 150 Sqm Assymetric down wind.

    I have read some Eric Sponberg posts on building one, I was hoping to find Section and fit it out, rather than build from scratch.
  2. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Have you contacted Rob Denney (he posts on these forums) they are turning out some really nice infused mast and beam sections over there.

    The other thought is to get in touch with Peter over at Carbon works their website is here:

  3. rob denney
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    rob denney Senior Member

    Thanks Corley. I would need to run the specs past our engineer to give an exact price and weight, but following is for a rig we recently quoted on for a 17m mast on a 5,000 kg cat:

    Using the mould we already have (see attached) 300 x 100mm with two sets of spreaders, then we can do the mast, fittings (incl bolt rope track), spreaders and boom, all inclusive for $32,000 + GST.

    We are in the throes of setting up a 3 axis cutter to make moulds, which will enable relatively quick and cheap tooling and may be an option if you wanted a bigger section mast. Not sure when this will be ready, or what it will cost at this stage.

    If you want your mast soon, we can't help as we are booked up until October.

    Attached also are a couple of photos of the beams for the Toro cat, a Canadian production cat we are building the spars for. All our tubular products are infused in one piece. This is not only quicker and more reliable, it uses far less material than two piece tubes.


    Attached Files:

  4. sonnybill
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    sonnybill New Member

    carbon mast and boom

    Jcatmad. I have a carbon fibre mast and boom that may suit you, it is 17.2 mtr (390mm x 190mm) it has two spreaders and is built as rotating mast has Ronstan track fitted, the boom is 5.75 mtr long. I had it built but never used it as I decided to go with inboom furling instead on my 12mtr cat and had to put it on conventional ali mast as leisurefurl would not put their furler on a rotating wing mast. I am in Perth you can contact me on 0428189900 if your interested, you can have mast and boom for $15,000
  5. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Any pics of your mast Sonnybill? I may be interested if Jcatmad isnt. First dibs to him of course.
  6. Jcatmad
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    Jcatmad Junior Member

    Hi Sonnybill contact me at 2hulls@gmail.com send any photos you have do you know the weight? Love to investigate further Boat is Launched Mid June so If it looks like the engineering stacks up Im very interested.

  7. sonnybill
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    sonnybill New Member

    Corley, aint too flash with computers best to call me on phone
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