12' mini Eliminator pickle fork tunnel hull

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by lakelife, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. lakelife
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    lakelife New Member

    I recently came across a 12’ Eliminator pickle fork tunnel outboard hull. Or at least I think that’s what it is since it has no HIN number or ID plates on it. I’ve seen a couple Eliminators like this on line. They look just like the original 19’ Eliminator Daytonas’. In fact the color scheme and stripes seem to be right out of the early eighties.

    It has never been rigged and there hasn’t been even one hole drilled in it. It is in incredibly mint condition except for a little bit of gelcoat fade which I have already found, buffs out real nice.

    Anyway, from some research it seems this thing can handle around a 70hp outboard. I want to know if anyone has any idea about motor height and setback specs for this type of hull. Even any information about this hull or type of boat would great.

    I am torn between trying to rig this boat or maybe just sell it out right. I am interested in talking or listening to anything anyone has to say about this boat and possible project.

    PS. Here are a couple photos of an exact hull I found on line. It isn't mine but is almost an exact twin except for the rigging.

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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  2. Yellowjacket
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    Yellowjacket Senior Member

    You need to put this on the ScreamandFly forum. You will find a lot more people there with experience with this exact boat and they will be able to tell you all you want to know about it.
  3. lakelife
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    lakelife New Member

    Hey, thanks Yellowjacket. I appreciate the info I will do that.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Yeah scream and fly / mini boats section !!:p:D
  5. racing fan
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    racing fan Senior Member

    this boat uses a short shaft motor to 70 hp i would suggest a old mercury 500 -750 2 stroke from the 72-74 you can tell the year real easily because the mercury name on the shroud for the motor if it is blue its a 72-74 note the 750 wasn't added till later and that's not 500 hp that's 50 hp they added a extra zero on the hp to trim it you would half to test it but for engine height you want the top of the cavitation plate level or slightly lower than the bottom of the boat
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  6. dutchtat
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    dutchtat New Member

    12' mini eliminator picklefork

    I have the same boat as you.Have a yamaha 50 on it that is no longer working. Mechanic says that I am better off replacing the motor with a mercury. I don't have any idea what size motor I can put on it. I called eliminator, and they said that they didn't make it. Then he said that a boat can have 10 hp for every foot, and that I could put a 120hp on it. At that point, I thanked him and hung up.Apparently he doesn't understand what kind of boat it is. If anyone has any suggestions, it would really be appreciated. Any one know the value of these boats? please email me at dutchtat619@aol.com thanks

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    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  7. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Without actually seeing the boat a yamaha 75hp or a 90 hp would be a screamer !!. Just check on the outboard weights:confused: .
  8. racing fan
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    racing fan Senior Member

    thats why I said 75 hp MAX
  9. judgegage
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    judgegage Junior Member

  10. LilWake
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    LilWake Senior Member

    lakelife, I just stumbled upon this thread and I love the boat! What did you end up doing with this Mini Picklefork?
  11. Mercuryprincipl
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    Mercuryprincipl New Member

    Mini Pickle OZ Style

    I came across the post about the mini pickle fork and I thought I would let you know that a mate of mine who was a master craftsman in the boat industry in the 80 and 90's here in Melbourne Australia built this one from scratch after painting 5 or 6 of the full size pickles for the guys that had the rights to Eliminator boats here in Australia he measured it up and worked out the scale based on the 21 foot version and ours was 12ft. We built 6 for ourselves and mates and about 6 to a resort that had them for guests on the Great Barrier Reef (with governors on them top speed of 20mph).

    Below is the second one we made it was mine, powered by a Mercury 25hp long shaft on an extended pod, I am 6'4' and about 220lbs so it could get going ok. Stock standard did about 45 mph, throw on a two blade chopper prop went to just on 70mph but was a beast to get up on the plane. Eventually worked his motor and did about 63 mph with the 3 blade and was the best fun. We spent a lot of time with the prototype getting it right and eliminating issues with it sucking on to the water and not getting lift.

    Another mate bought the mould from him when he went to live up in Far North Queensland and had it sitting at his factory for years and eventually built two and fitted them with 650 jet ski motors they will do about 40mph and are also great fun. They are sitting in the showroom of his Fibreglass fabrication company on their specifically designed hydraulic lifter that mounts into his trailer for launching.

    I hope this gets to you and you find the tale interesting.

    P.S If you are interested the two are up from sale at the moment with lifter for $32,000 AUD or roughly $24,500 US.


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  12. Julie Turtle
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    Julie Turtle New Member

    Beauty boat!! I am looking at buying a 12' Mini Eliminator this weekend. No idea how this type of boat handles anything but CALM water. How does it handle waves?? Not huge waves, like wake and moderate waves. It has a 40 HP Merc by the way. Thanks!
    Beauty boat!! I am looking at buying a 12' Mini Eliminator this weekend. No idea how this type of boat handles anything but CALM water. How does it handle waves?? Not huge waves, like wake and moderate waves. Thanks!

  13. Jimboat
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    Nice little boat! Centerpod design helps handle some waves. weight of hull will make a difference to your performance. lightweight hull should do 65mph with 50hp yamaha.
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