12' and Under Trimarans-Ideas and Designs

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Manfred.pech
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  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Are there any active classes sailing these boats anywhere ?
  3. Manfred.pech
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member

  4. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Small tri's

    I was referring to small tri's in general not just the Moanna. If I remember the Marples was built for a class and so was the Scarab but I've never seen much take up. Didn't the Italians have a bit of a circuit going at some point ?
    Makes sense to me as a training boat, stable, safe and fun ! Rather than tippy and a bit scary ?
  5. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Safe is boring.

    I don't want to be sitting in the couch outside.
  6. Zulu40
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    Zulu40 Junior Member

  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Weta-wrong thread

    You're right but this is the 12' and under thread-the Weta has been mentioned in the Under 20' trimaran thread. The Weta is 14' ........
  8. Zulu40
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    Zulu40 Junior Member

    oh Im sorry
    I didn't make the 12' and Under Trimarans-Ideas and Designs absolutely transparent, in that take the Idea, and make it a 12' or under Design

  9. Manfred.pech
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member

    They do not only have a bit: http://www.diecipiedi.it/ns/flotta/flotta2.html and http://smalltrimarans.com/blog/growing-the-10-foot-trimaran-class/




  10. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    From the time this thread started I have been thinking that the most useful conversation would be 'Why should a trimaran be 10 to 12ft long?' I tend to think that there are major limitations inherent to that length and not many good functional 'fits'.

    10 to 12
    -single hand only
    -L/B of hulls challenged by load -limiting performance
    -boats come out more like stabilized skiffs than tris
    -easy to right capsize
    -wood usage? Lots of fragile thin ply.
    -ergonomically much better than 12 ft cat -sit up, feet down and room to duck boom in main hull

    Compared to 14' or more...
    -single, double or more crew
    -L/B 8+ is easy -less of a drag hump to plane
    -all tri modes, depending on load and wind
    -with care in design, still single hand self recovery from capsize
    -bigger, but handling, care and storage are about the same as 10-12

    I have a Hobie 3.5 I think about making a tri with -but I never considered a 12ft main hull -too short and pointless. More likely a 16+ft covered canoe main... the performance hit of the wetted area is more than covered by the greater length, possibly narrower wl beam.
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    MPX12 (mini Fire Arrow)

    I did a lot of research into a 12'* high performance trimaran design-the full specs are here:
    * my apologies: I forgot that this tri was 7" longer than 12'......
    http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/multihulls/mpx-11-very-small-high-power-trimaran-33686-15.html (scroll down)
    If I can overcome my physical trouble I'm leaning toward building a slightly detuned version of this boat-maybe a bit longer. This was originally conceived of to have just planing amas no ama foils to go along with the main foil. Now that would be different : she'd still have planing amas but would also have ama foils.
    There are a lot of fast 11-12' monohulls around-no reason in the world why a small high powered foiling tri would not work, I built a concept model:

    MPX-12 Specs-short version

    -- LOA-12' 7" (not including rudder gantry )

    -- LWL-12' 7"

    -- Main hull beam-5.29'-

    -- Main hull beam at the waterline -3'

    -- Overall beam- 17.5'*(15' cl ama to cl ama) updated and corrected 8/19/10--NOTE: approx the same overall Beam/overall Length as Hydroptere.(not including gantry on MPX-12) *tentative as of 11/10/10

    -- LOA- ama-10'

    -- Ama LWL(F&A dimension of planing surface)-1.5'

    -- Ama beam- 2.5(max and max at waterline-tentative)

    -- Ama Buoyancy - 3.25 cu.ft/ 208lb / 53% of sailing weight

    -- Sail Area- 178 sq.ft /25.5' mast length. Slightly taller than a scaled down A Class Cat.

    MPX-12-short rig:


  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Banshee Ambulance

    Another potentially high performance tri was the 12' Banshee Ambulance based on a Cherub main hull:

  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    12 and under(more or less)

    Might work-but I didn't understand that from your post. Sorry....
  14. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member


    Bazooka at 3.7 is 4" over 12' so apologies.

    22 are in New Zealand, 1 is in Fiji at a resort and at least 4 that are known of in Australia 2 being sold second hand recently.

    3 are in build presently.
    1 x Intro model, 1 x active model and 1 x excite model.

    Again apologies for being outside the 12' scope.

    Team Ezifold

    Bazooka aCtive.jpg


    Blast off.jpg

    New plymouth.jpg

    FIJI TURTLE BEFORE 2006 136.jpg


    Bazooka De-rigged March 2012 001.jpg

  15. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thats ok. Can you post some more detailed specs? Looks good!
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