10 M triple step monohull powerboat

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Adam Younger, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    We have designed a very advanced triple step 10m (33') monohull for a foreign client. However it would now appear they are not in a position to go into production.

    As a design office we have put so much work inot this and really want to see it go into production. As much of the design has been completed - full hull design and 3D CAD modelled for production etc etc - we can offer a very much subsidised design package.

    The design has all our latest features and gives the opportunity of a very fast leisure hull that could also be raced or used as a fast patrol boat hull.

    Any builders interested - please pm me / e-mail for more information.

  2. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    Still hoping to do something with this design - in meantime we have been looking at a centre console version for one builder - but again it appears that current economics in that country are not helping!

    Image of hull attached

    Attached Files:

  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    good luck adam.
    Makes a pleasant change from those days in the porta-cabin at whitegates!!!
  4. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    Those were the days....

    Mind Japan seems a pretty big change!
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    yes it is...wife thing!!
    I was on IoW for a few weeks in early Nov..was weird being back. Was supposed to go and see old RayT, but ran out of time...since he and a group of us met up for dinner..he didnt show....usual lame excuse.

    Hope you're well...

    By the way...know who I am yet?? ;)
  6. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    No - trying to work it out - but might need some clues - or just tell me!
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    does JK give it away???
  8. Eddy Johansen
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    Eddy Johansen Hydrosport Sportboats

    Does it work?

    Hi Adam,

    Have you tried any prototype hull and how does it handle?

    All the best,
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2008
  9. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    Yesa - got it now - will PM you!
  10. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    Not as such - but many elements of the design have used or developed from other craft that I have designed and have been successfully launched / tested etc.

    So, although it is an all new design and has some new features I'm happy that all factors of the design are backed up with proven examples. Step wise I could list many hulls that have led to this craft - certainly those that I did for Technohull are relevant. The third step does alter things - but we will soon have another (smaller) three step design on the water. Other features such as the double chine effect and spray rails, sections are logical progressions from my other work / craft. Always looking to create excellent handling craft and would be evry happy that this design would continue that.
  11. Eddy Johansen
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    Eddy Johansen Hydrosport Sportboats

    Thanks for answering my question Adam.

    So there is actually no guarantee that it will not have any handling problems, nor any realistic top speed prediction, maximum turning speed within CE rules or even maximum hp rating?

    All the best,
  12. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    ...are there ever any guarantees in design/life???
  13. Eddy Johansen
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    Eddy Johansen Hydrosport Sportboats

    Jepp. I think I can guarantee we will all eventually die someday.

    As far as design regards: when I design something new the process is more or less like this:

    1. Basic drawing
    2. Making of testhull
    3. Dynamic testing with different sea states and motors
    4. Modifications and new testing
    5. More modifications and new testing
    6. Finishing of plugg and making of complete design project for building and certification porposes.

    I realise it is possible to predict speed and handling with a displacement boat and even a non stepped planing hull.

    But with a stepped hull you really never know. Please do *not* tell me you can simply scale up or down an existing hull - that is not possible with a stepped construction, neither does it exists any CAD program capable of realistic stepped hull performance prediction.

    Have fun - that's why we are making boats anyway, right?
  14. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    I would disagree with you - I have designed enough boats and have enough data etc to guarantee that there will not be any handling problems. With reagrds to speed / power / weights then for sure they are estimates - but my track record shows my figures to be pretty accurate and mostly improved in actual build.

    So this design comes with a lot of technical back-up

  15. Adam Younger
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    Adam Younger www.adamyoungerdesign.com

    All very well - but this is a pretty rigid approach - I find my clients prefer different approaches depending on many factors. These can vary from type of craft, their experience in building, budget etc etc. As a independent design office we work with our customers to give the best design service - that assures they get the craft they want and we are proud to be associated with the craft they produce.

    I never scale up / down for speed predictions. Sure I use factors - but I have formulas that I have developed and my figures are good. So using my database I can give reasonably accurate data.

    If the opportunity to hydro / aero test is there then great - but most clients on small craft do not want to take this route.

    So I would say the level of testing required very much depends on the level of risk you are atking with the design. For my company we do not look of our step design as necessarily high risk. There maybe other features we would like to look at - and at times we develop prototype / one off race boats and to develop these concepts - but this is not what the design I started this thread is about.

    With regards to this design - yes it come with a very acceptable and proven background. I can give very good assurances of it's handling and it comes with a detailed design apckage including speed/ power / weight calculations.
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