1 hull for 3 diffrent yachts

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cheng Chang, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    This was an old-fashioned 43 foot motor yacht which had lost its market. Thus we stopped producing this model. But the hull mould was reserved for the new 43 foot yacht. Actually, only the roof of superstructure was redesigned.
    This is the redesigned new 43 foot yacht,
    Thanks to the success of the new 43 foot yacht, we developed another 43 foot flybridge yacht on the basis of it by transferring the roof into the fly bridge deck.
    This method increased the profit significantly.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It still looks dated. The new designs are much more rounded. I don't know where there is a market for something that looks old fashioned, but not old enough to be "vintage".
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    New ???? Whats New ???? Where ???

    Typical !! like Gonzo said its dated its out dated you are not even trying to copy what out there now!!! .
    Go get yourself a young designer with young new modern and up to date ideas and let him do his own thing , Dont tell him what you want ,leave him alone and take note . You just could be pleasently surprised !!:eek::confused:
  4. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Doesn't it depend on where it's to be marketed? The Western world might not like it but there's more to the world now than just the West. The original one 'lost it's market', I'm surprised it even had a market, but apparently so. Was something like that ever appealing to Western tastes?

    The new one makes me think of Asian eyes or feline eyes.
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I was thinking they look like those girl eye glasses, popular in the 1950's.
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    You always build to market and the way clients use their boats. . Perhaps the Asian Market will buy.

    In the Mediterranean , marinas are overflowing with brokerage yachts designed 10 years ago. These yachts do the job and are far cheaper than any new build. New OLD design doesn't stand a chance.

    Its a very competitive market.

    If you need leading edge modern styling in the 20 to 30 meter class, contact an Italian designer for guidance. .
  7. PAR
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    Cat-eye glasses, was the style I was thinking about.
  8. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    Actually they all old ones, even the "new" one was built 6 years ago.
    The original one was designed by a New Zealand designer, and it seems that this style did have a market.
    And you are right; we sold them out to the Asian Market.
  9. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    Cos we used the old hull mould, so the prices for the last two were not too bad.
    Thank you for your advices. We talked with some Italian Designers on boat shows, and we are working on new designs now.:D
  10. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    Haha, lots of people said so.
    Lovely picture!
  11. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Something to consider, if the yachts are Mediterranean bound , is that dockage is expensive and scarce.

    The owner of a 15 meter berth wants the biggest possible 15 meter boat that fits his berth.

    Modern Yachts have become square ended with max berth permissible beam .

    Anchors and forward overhangs have disappeared from the bow and stern profiles have been opened up and fendered to be able to go stern too, very close to the dock and avoid fitting a passerelle when berthed . All this so a 15 meter boat fits into a 15 meter berth.

    Attached Files:

  12. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    This is how it works: "Years ago we copied the mold from proven hull (imported production boat), and tried to design a deck. The first one in plywood did not work, we did the second without flybridge but still in plywood. Sorry for that, but anyway we sell it in Asia".

    :D :D :D
  13. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    Very practical ideas! I would consider it if needed. But I found it's hard to do the space design for boats at this lengh. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the style to make it more spacy.:(
  14. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    That size range is challenging.

    It must be designed to appeal to a wide range of clients, but its impossible to understand exactly how customers will use their boat.

  15. Cheng Chang
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    Cheng Chang Cheng

    It's funny, I checked the make up trend for 2012 today too!;)
    I couldn't agree more like you said
    I've tried to add some different design elements on my boats, but none of them worked well. :( But look at those fabulous sports cars, they always remind me of the muscle of panther! I just love this kind of design.
    Haha, maybe we can find couple of buyers who would fancy the boobie style. You never know.:D:D
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