¨pirate¨ boat question

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sail102, Nov 10, 2011.


which one

  1. oar

    7 vote(s)
  2. paddle wheel

    1 vote(s)
  3. prop

    1 vote(s)
  4. sail(I guess)

    10 vote(s)
  1. sail102
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    sail102 REBEL!!!!!!!

    now my brother wants to be a pirate:eek:. he has always wanted to be a pirate. so now im building a pdracer and giving my first contraption to him so he and his buddies can go and pillage around a bit:p. up at our cabin what is a good propulsion system for a boat like that, that is easy for a 5th grader.:confused:
  2. sail102
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    sail102 REBEL!!!!!!!

    oh, and...he probably wants a cannon too.:rolleyes:
  3. sabahcat
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  4. sail102
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    sail102 REBEL!!!!!!!

  5. cthippo
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  6. hoytedow
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    The Crimson Pirate:

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  7. cyclops2
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    Pirates loved

    Rowing & Koolaid.
  8. erik818
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    erik818 Senior Member

    I didn't know what a PDRacer was until I saw the photos sabahcat provided. The Swedish name for them translates as "optimist dinghy". They are fun to sail, but at the age of 11 I appreciated a small boat with an outboard more. If you want oars or paddles you should choose a different type of boat.

    A drawback with those small boats is that they are one-boy boats. They become unexciting when overloaded.

    I vote for a small outboard (2 - 5 Hp). It wasn't difficult for any child from 10 and up to handle small boats with small outboards where I grew up. Children are not less capable today, only more protected. Why not ask your brother what he prefers?

  9. cyclops2
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    What is the budget for the ship ? I added a 2nd set of oarlocks on my smallest fishing boat.
    A CHEAP USED Aluminum 10 or 12' boat would be ideal. All that is needed is oars & them to decorate it. Enjoy the project. :)
  10. cyclops2
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    Be a big spender. Put on a trolling motor. Make sure the battery is in a plastic battery box that STRAPS THE COVER ON !!. You would be suprised how things tip over with a young crew. Black tape over ...ALL... electrical wire connections.

    Forget about buying a GOOD NEW or used boat. This may be a short interest till their hormones take over.
    Friend at the river bought a DREAM fishing bought for him & son. It sat at the dock everyday this summer.
    Son has buddies to hang out with. By by Dad.
    I am 73 & have seen it happen at all ages. Lost my daughter to my favorite son in law. Good deal for all of us.
  11. PAR
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    A used 10 HP 2 stroke can be had for cheap and you'll be able to invade far distant lands with speed and escape the wrath of the locals when the bootie is taken.

    There have been square rigged PDR's, keep looking and you'll find one rigged as a brig, cannons and all. Of course it sailed like a pig, but it looked cool.
  12. sail102
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    sail102 REBEL!!!!!!!

    its not ME whos a fifth grader its mynb bro
  13. rwatson
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    "Olaf, when we land the boat on the beach - you are in charge of the plundering, Sven - you are assigned to pillage, Klaus - your job is ...."

    "Oh no - not **** agaaaaaiiiin !!!!!"
  14. PAR
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    Klaus, you get this lamps bowel thing and you put it over . . .

  15. sail102
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    sail102 REBEL!!!!!!!

    how very helpful that advice was:rolleyes:
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