Recently retired here, and looking for a project. A friend and I are contemplating building a couple of Rangeley boats. We've found plans (lines,...
Hey all, im currently designing my next project and wanted to reach out to those minds with more experience. To preface i am an environmental and...
[IMG] Does anyone know what this is or if there are plans for it? It looks like someone just strapped two kayaks together. I don't have a shop...
About a year and a half ago I completed my Black Arrow Runabout, and while it's been a blast, I am already considering doing another build, but...
Hi all, I am looking for unused complete Farrier F-32 plans and for the DFX files. If you want to sell them, please contact me. Thank you. Sören
I just made off with a "free boat," (no such thing as a free boat.) What kind of boat do I have? Fiberglass over plywood. [ATTACH] Sincerely,...
Chris White's Atlantic Cats are proven world cruisers. He used to sell plans to individuals. There were six Atlantic 46 cats built per his...
HI. I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about where I could get the plans for the Pete Culler designed 1840 british cutter for Bruce Northrup....
Hi , new to the forum as a member, but very long time lurker here. Previous liveaboard on steel dutch barges in the rivers and canals of mainland...
I have a complete and original set of plans for the Farrier F-22 (hull# 146) for sale. I aquired these from fellow forum-member Frans Eriksson....
Hello all, I'm currently working on a concept for a small tugboat and I'm wondering if anyone has a midship drawing of a modern tugboat?...
I have never built a boat before and I want to make a basic one-person flat-bottom wooden jon boat for fishing on calm lake and river waters this...
Not sure if anyone will be interested but I have a set of the Crowther 44 Design 85 Mk1 plans for sale. This was never built (met a girl..etc etc...
I am selling my F-22 plans. Plans are unused and in perfect condition. I would trade them for wharram TIKI46 plans.
Boat building documentation package for sale, USD 400. Boat particulars: L hull = 6.00 m B hull = 2.25 m Weight hull = near 0.52 t Package list:...
Boat building documentation package for sale, USD 200. Boat particulars: L hull = 6.50 m B hull = 2.45 m Weight hull = near 0.86 t Package list:...
Dear forum users, it is my first post so I would like to invite myself, my name is Oscar and I just join the forum. Professionally sailing and now...
HELLO, I am selling my Easy Sarah plans - No43, March 2016. These come with booklet, material schedule, and videos. I have also prepared an...
Hi to all! There is a contest for creating the plans for a small houseboat. You can see the details at: Create design/plans for our small...
Dear all, I want to create a detailed building information model for a 13 - 15 meter catamaran that is capable of being CNC cut and assembled. I...