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  6. Lukas.m3
  7. Lukas.m3
    Boat Design Gallery

    Kavalier K800

    I am building the K800 boat!
    Uploaded by: Lukas.m3, Jul 1, 2013, 0 comments, in category: Boatbuilding
  8. Lukas.m3
    Boat Design Gallery

    Kavalier K800

    View from above!
    Uploaded by: Lukas.m3, Jul 1, 2013, 0 comments, in category: Boatbuilding
  9. Lukas.m3
    Boat Design Gallery

    Kavalier K800

    I am building the K800 boat!
    Uploaded by: Lukas.m3, Jul 1, 2013, 0 comments, in category: Boatbuilding
  10. Lukas.m3
    Boat Design Gallery

    Kavalier K800

    I am building the K800 boat!
    Uploaded by: Lukas.m3, Jul 1, 2013, 0 comments, in category: Boatbuilding
  11. Lukas.m3
    Boat Design Gallery

    Kavalier K800

    I am building the K800 boat!
    Uploaded by: Lukas.m3, Jul 1, 2013, 0 comments, in category: Boatbuilding