Hi, i will be uploading pictures of the progress of the building. The boat is being build entirely in welded HDPE sheets of 15, 8 and 6mm of...
Hi all - this is related to my thread over in the Materials section but perhaps this is a better place for this part of it. Given the lack of...
Hi everyone. I'm new in terms of having an account here, but have ended up reading a lot of posts over the years at the end of a google search...
HDPE Boat - Unsinkable Jukung http://iteroni.com/TiVGiIs_57o I don't think I have any questions. I'm just sharing this because I really like...
Ok so the wheels have been turning and I am set on a Wharram/Waller/Woods cat around 30' my design would be solid hulls no through hulls ect....
Hi. Just wondering if anyone has tried using HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene) as a material for creating a mould for creating a fibreglass...
Hey All, I'm not sure what thread this belongs in, but essentially I have an existing coffin shape fully welded steel plate pontoon in a mining...
Hi all, First of all, I would like to thank everyone on this forum for all the help you provide for everyone who needs! I am new here but I have...
I am planning a 28foot shunt style boat. My insane idea is to fusion weld four sheets of 1/2"x4'x16" hdpe. Then i Will build a oven from sheet...
If one pitched the two ends of taffy consistencey hdpe (theromforing) to from a racked bow, is it possible with out folds or stretching to much?...