Hello everyone, I'm seeking some insight and confirmation regarding a project I’m currently working on. Specifically, I want to calculate the...
Hello, recently I bought a boat with two engines fiat aifo cp3-s.m. Their engines are undergoing major repairs, but I can't find any information...
Hi, What are the advantages and disadvantages of using High RPM Engine over Low RPM Engine? Let's say for a passenger cruise vessel, I need...
I am currently looking at purchasing an old LCM8 that is powered by twin Detroit Diesel 12v71 NA engines. These engines were advertised at 350hp...
Hi everybody, I wonder if anybody could give me some idea of how much fuel the new engine will burn, and therefore I'll have a fair idea how much...
Hello, my boat is a wood 1946 downeast lobster boat. I have a CAT 3304 diesel that is currently set up for wet exhaust. She’s being converted to...
Hello, searching the forum I was not able to find any info on what I need and decided to open this new thread to ask for help. My old Fiat Aifo...
The leisure run version of the UIM Class One Super Stock catamaran. Petrol or diesel power. Design: Adam Younger and Berserk Design. Builder:...
Fast offshore interceptor/endurance racer/long distance cruiser. RIB tube around the hull adds aerodynamic lift and stability as well as...
34' Endurance racer/long distance cruiser. Deep V planning hull with 2.5 steps and planning pads. Safety cockpit for 4 crew. Option of...