Hello! I came up with this idea to minimize the air influence from single mast on the main sail. the idea mainly came from reading this paper. I...
is there anyone have video tutorial how to create wigley hull symetric ? I really need that video or Is there anyone have course to create...
Hi all, I am here just joined the forum. My Question is. How can I enter the field of marine vessel designing. I have mechanical engineering's...
Hi all, First post :) (Just typed a very long post and when I tried to add media the whole thing disappeared so this is a somewhat shorter...
Thank you in advance for your guidance, information or leads. I have a Maurell 4010 Pontoon in Hawaii. The USCG informed me this vessel is able...
I'd like to purchase/commission a sailing monohull design for a personal building project. Background I am an avid club racer that is generally...
Greetings and good day, This is my first post here. I have been browsing the forum for a while, collecting pearls of wisdom and experience. A...
Hello everyone, I am struggling with one question considering small power boat design (up to 24m, planing hull) in concept and preliminary stage....
Hello everyone, I am Mumu and rn i am dealing with a 10 meter sportive fishing boat design. i am studying BA in industrial design so my knowledge...
Hi, does anyone know a software for the calculations of the freeboard according to the loadline convention? I found that FDB is non-free software...
Disclaimer: Im not a boat designer. this is purely a hypothetical design of a hull shape ive been thinking about for a while. What do the homies...
Hello all, You know, there is a software called "Maxsurf" it has many modules and capabilities that enable naval architects to do a lot with....
Hi there, I was wondering how ship designers would calculate things such as draft and different coefficients of form (such as block coefficient)...
A decision matrix is a tool that allows to quantify different elements of a design. To start with, each element is given a percentage of the...
Work in progress of this model which I'm redoing again in a CAD application. Now the overall dimensions are close to the original drawing that I...
Hello! I am part of a small startup who have been recently been approved by the U.S. DOE to develop a 7M RIB. We already have a preliminary...
I'm looking at a catamaran built by the current owner in 2000. The builder/owner was a professional monohull builder during his working life. He...
26.2m Expedition Motor Yacht Hybrid Electric Propulsion Architecture& Design Andrei Rochian with a video animated vizualisation...
Hi Everyone, Fluid Dynamics is a science, and Design is an art. Achieve Designs that outperformed the best known references. Hardcore...
Good morning! I am seeking a boat designer/marine architect to assist me with designing a downeast style 19' center console. I want the design to...