Hello, I started building a boat about a year ago and now I bought a plastic welder. I want to build a 4 meter long boat to sail on rivers. I am a...
Hi all, I made 8 molds in the past all using wood as this was the only one that knew how to work with but is a very slow process. I now have a...
This boat is hull number 3 - the previous two hulls were 1:10 scale models laser cut TIG welded aluminum: [IMG] [IMG] 2020_Tenth The first...
I just converted my CNC to 5 axis, so now it makes it much simpler to mill larger shapes. Anybody have any actual experience gluing multiple...
ProtoFabLab, LLC has a 3 axis CNC router with 90"x60"x20" footprint, multiple 3D scanners, and background in composites. The router is capable of...
Hi, I have a canoe design in my head, for a fully-rounded 3D hull shape, and I want to produce an IGES file I can email to China so they can...
Hi an other free open source software now for the nesting pieces on CNC cutting machines. [ATTACH] Automatic line merging Deepnest packs your...
Offering CNC Wood or Plastic router services. Your design or we can help with Vectric Vcarve. Economical cutting service on a 4x8' CNC machine....
Has anybody worked through the whole process of hull/bulkhead/stringer design in plywood on to 3D CNC routing of the plywood pieces? If so, what...
Ok, So I have a group of friends and we are investigating what would go into starting a shipyard. We have some ideas im not going to go greatly...
Can you vacuum infuse wood? Could you CNC pieces out of lumber that fit the mold perfectly and has flow channels? Hi, I'm new here and I've been...
Dear all, I want to create a detailed building information model for a 13 - 15 meter catamaran that is capable of being CNC cut and assembled. I...
6 Meter Raio Model completed. 4 seat low profile river patrol boat or recreational boat.
6 Meter Boat Raio sea trials
Riveted aluminum 5.5 meter Bay Boat Zoom
The rudder blade of the Bondi 36. The stock was laminated around a CNC machined foam core. The core was geometrically the most complicated part of...
3d Modeling and Rendering Project we worked with Metal Shark Boats. Chris created an awesome design, we went to work on details and rendering.