Making hull in MaxSurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kjelln, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Kjelln
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    Kjelln New Member

    I have a Napa file for a ship hull (.n2x) and Wonder if it is possible to import this into MaxSurf. It don't seem to be possible directly, so maybe via another program or in some way convert the file.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  2. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    Probably somebody who use Napa can make IGES file from n2x? Then you can import IGES. I don't think you can do something with this file without Napa.
  3. formsys
    Joined: May 2007
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    formsys formsys

    Yes you can export an IGES file from NAPA and that file can be imported into Maxsurf. Napa creates a whole bunch of surfaces between each of the master control curves so you will have lots of surfaces in your model. This means its not useful for design modification or fairing but it should be OK if you want to do stability, resistance or motions analysis in Maxsurf.
  4. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    There is only one problem: sometimes I saw gaps between Napa surfaces. Will it be a problem for hydrostatics calculations? I always replace Napa surface with my own like that:

  5. formsys
    Joined: May 2007
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    formsys formsys

    It wont be a problem as long as the gaps are "small". Maxsurf Stability joins together gaps in the hydrostatic sections that are smaller than 1-2 mm depending on the size of the design.
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