Fiberform 26 ft Cruiser

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Magnafique, May 4, 2014.

  1. Magnafique
    Joined: May 2014
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    Magnafique New Member

    Hello all just joined your forum. I just purchased a 1976 26 ft fiberform cruiser with a 351w Ford engine for power. The engine is brand new with a new San Juan Engineering fresh water cooling system. For its age the boat is remarkably nice. What is the best way to get information on this boat. It would be nice if there were a place to pick up an owners manual or operators manual. Hoping this forum can help me. Thanks for helping me get headed in the right direction.

    Thomas Kenny
    Seaside Oregon
  2. FMS
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    FMS Senior Member

    A boat of this vintage wouldn't usually have a manual with much technical detail. The manual might specify fuel tank capacity, towing weight, and basic safety rules of the road.
    The 351 is a common engine. Get a service manual for the 351 and if it's a sterndrive, get a manual for the sterndrive and that will be all you need. Post a photo if you need help identifying which sterndrive you have.
  3. Magnafique
    Joined: May 2014
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    Magnafique New Member

    1976 Fiberform Boat

    Thanks FMS for your information. I guess I was hoping that I could come up with a wiring diagram. However I am getting more familiar with the boat as I work on it. Today I installed a new Icom vhf radio and got it up and working and also got the interior cabin lights working. I am slowly getting a feel for it.
    I hope to have it in the water in two to three weeks. Then some trials in the Columbia river here in Oregon. My stern drive is a Mercruiser and I have rebuilt 3 different small block ford engines, but was surprised to find that this engine still has points in the distributor. :)

    Best regards, Tom
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