im sure this is a dumb question....

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jimmy wise, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. jimmy wise
    Joined: Nov 2013
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    Location: reno nv

    jimmy wise Junior Member

    my old boat im rebuilding is a mercrusier io. it has the old log manifolds and one is gone. I have a full set of aluminum hardine manifolds and risers. I could run the exhaust out the transom like a jet or vdrive. im looking for a full set of later mercruiser manifolds. but wanted to ask two questions. 1 how do you know the height of the exhaust going through transom and how do I figure out the height of a swim platform. ive never had it in the water. thanks for the imput......let her rip
  2. FMS
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    FMS Senior Member

    Can you see a waterline in the boat's finish? A line of discoloration/dulling/scum line is usually visible unless it was trailer kept.

    If not I would either look for the same boat and where its waterline is or put your boat in the water and mark it. I prefer the exhaust tips above the waterline and the back of the swim platform a few inches above the waterline so that it's not constantly slapping.
  3. jimmy wise
    Joined: Nov 2013
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    jimmy wise Junior Member

    no cant tell on the hull. I tried its a 1980 marlin open bow 19ft. it has the outdrive hole will that help? I would love to make swim platform before its gel coated
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