Repower -- How to select propeller?

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by papabravo, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. papabravo
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    papabravo Junior Member

    I'm considering a do it yourself repower. I have above average mechanical skills and maybe more important, a good network of experts to fall on for support.

    One area I have not researched to my level of comfort---propeller.

    One engine under consideration has a different torque/horsepower curve than the original 85 HP Perkins. This may, or may not require a different propeller. I just don't know. I need to research more.

    (current--34 ft motorsailor, 2 blade prop, unknown pitch at the moment)

    Can someone offer a good website or book on the propeller subject? Good vendors?

    It's tedious Googling propeller. You get about 8 million pages of Mercruiser speed boat prop links. The wheat to chaff ratio is not good.
  2. papabravo
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    papabravo Junior Member

    The "similar threads" feature pointed me to:

    "The Propeller Handbook: The Complete Reference for Choosing, Installing, and Understanding Boat Propellers Paperback"
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