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wanted glasscraft chopper gun

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by suncatcher, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. suncatcher
    Joined: Oct 2006
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    suncatcher New Member

    wanted glasscraft chopper gun in working condition.
  2. LaurenPhoenix30
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    LaurenPhoenix30 Junior Member

    Is glascraft the only brand you wanted?
  3. suncatcher
    Joined: Oct 2006
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    suncatcher New Member

    I could live with another machine- what's you got and how much you want for it?
  4. LaurenPhoenix30
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    LaurenPhoenix30 Junior Member

    My family owns a company, Phoenix Equipment Company, where we manufacture spray equipment. This is my direct email: laurenphoenix123@aol.com. Phone 727-393-1818. www.phoenixequipment.com.
    I also just recently made a facebook page if you care to check it out, I post training videos and picture of the equipment we manufacture. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phoenix-Equipment-Company/266364906816682?ref=br_rs

    I'm just about to post some videos I made yesterday at a customer's shop. They just purchased a 2 color gelcoater and a chopper system. You can call or email me directly, we have the best prices in the market and we manufacture 85% of our parts in our shop in Largo, FL.
  5. LaurenPhoenix30
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    LaurenPhoenix30 Junior Member

    Just noticed you are in North Carolina, that's where I just came from for the training yesterday. In Clinton, NC

  6. Cobra1
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    Phoenix Equipment is great, the customer service is outstanding. I used to hot pot when I hand layed a boat, not any more. I never used a wet out system before, and had never been around one to see how they work. Getting in touch with Scott on New Years day, PRICELESS. With Scott and Lauren you can't go wrong.
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