IMP Boats Information

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by JKE, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. edjunior
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    edjunior Senior Member

    Nice boat Dave. Man, that is one hell of a trailer. Sheesh...don't believe I've seen one quite like that before!
  2. pdave1s
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    Thank you Ed
    That walkway goes the length of the boat on both sides, with built in boarding steps on both sides of transom. The trailer must have been custom built, but the best news is i got the boat and trailer straight across for a single axle caulkins worth maybe $200, no powertrain in boat, but have new rebuilt 0 hr 351 ford, and 0 hr rebuilt omc outdrive. all the interior cusions are gone, but I have a nice upholstery machine. steering station need some tlc, but again, i have the woodshop, this is one i can do in about 8 months. been trying to obtain it from the local boatyard fo last 6 yrs, ever since the Aztec I did went south! It may inspire me to start over with the website. I own the domain, and have a free domain coming with hosting, and have an available name in mind that wont be far off from the old domain. I am just not sure i want to get back into hosting a site and working on my own boat at the same time, last time around was a nightmare trying to find time to do both!

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  3. sclifford
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    sclifford New Member

    i recently got a imp from someone for free i have to do some work to it i will post pictures i was wondering if anyone has any info on the imp cabin cruiser i believe it is a 84
  4. edjunior
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    edjunior Senior Member

    Well, we will certainly need more information than you have given. I have an '84 X SC 190, a 19' cabin cruiser. Let's see what you got.
  5. sclifford
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    sclifford New Member

    Sorry I did a hull I'd search it is a 1984 still no idea the the style believe it to be a xmps guessing by the him but it is. 27 ft cabi cruiser can't find any mannual nothing it is so hard to find any info on any of he boats
  6. sclifford
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    sclifford New Member

    1984 cabin cruiser 27 ft

    ok so i spoke with the guy who gave me the boat today he says it is an IMP which i already knew he says i need to put a 350 in it but to be totaly honest im not sure where to begin with that i am a veteran 25 yrs old and i just wanna have a boat to enjoy with my wife and kids so i know i havent posted much information but that is really all i have if someone could help me that would be great so i know what size motor seeing i have been searching the web and i cant find any information on the boat and i dont have a million bucks so i am trying to get the motor first since that is the main thing to put it in the waterthanks if anyone can help
  7. sclifford
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    sclifford New Member

    here is the only picture i have right now post more tomarrow

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  8. edjunior
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    edjunior Senior Member

    Uh...didn't anyone ever tell you that boats work better in the water than the snow?? :p Heh...

    Hard to tell much from that picture, though it does look like a nice boat. Did the previous owner also give you the title to it? That should contain some basic information on it. Otherwise, until you post some better pictures, we can't help you much as we can't see what it is.
  9. pdave1s
    Joined: May 2006
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    OMC outdrive istallation pattern wanted

    I recently acquired a 74 IMP Inca that had previously had a Volvo Penta drive system, when I got the boat the drive an engine had been removed. I have an OMC stern drive and ford 351 I want to install into this boat. I have already cut out the transom, and installed a replacement panel, doweled, and glassed in place. Now I need to locate and cut out the oval opening for the OMC short shaft drive. The engine is setup with hydraulic trim. I am looking for installation information to locate the right position to cut out the transom. I know that the opening is slightly located off center to compensate for prop rotation,. I need to find how far up from the keel, and how much offset is required for the opening. I can then use the boot retainer ring to trace out the place and size for the opening.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. impclassic76cc
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    impclassic76cc New Member

    I think were in the same boat

    I did the same thing you are doing to yours about 4 years ago. I went from a 351 that was locked up and installed a 307 and had to lower the hole about 3in to get the drive to line up. I have some specs somewhere with the drawings and math for installing the motor and outdrive from omc. I will look for them and get back to ya.

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  11. vinnieallin
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    vinnieallin Junior Member

    hi guys and girls its been a while love my imp(aztec or mabe santie v idk).was to busy fishing to reply or get pics ill try now.she ran great for about 16 trips then got hot needs intake exaust so did valve job too wish me luck. well i guess i cant work out pics ill work on that.
  12. BajaBob
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    BajaBob New Member

    Don't see any new posts, but what the heck. I just aquired a 1972 Aztec, and it has a chevy motor. Not sure which. Has an OMC out drive. Just fired it up! Runs like a champ! Sat for 8 or 9 years. Shows 279 hrs???? Everything would coincide with that number. Polished her out, and she came out beautiful. Need some advice on Bimini. I have it all, but it's pretty old and falling apart a bit. Where do I get someone to make a new one?
  13. vinnieallin
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    vinnieallin Junior Member

    craigs list bob
  14. edjunior
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    edjunior Senior Member

    You can check the marine stores also (West Marine is a biggie). You can usually get one that will fit your frame if you get the dimensions and ribs.

  15. Avidfisher
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    Avidfisher New Member

    IMP cabin cruiser

    I have a 1986 270se cabin cruiser 27thursday foot.

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