Tribon M3 Data Extraction Hull parts

Discussion in 'Software' started by fearman, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. fearman
    Joined: Aug 2012
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    fearman New Member

    Hi there!

    I just start learning Tribon Data Extraction Tools and i need to take from Tribon's DB's list of all hull parts (like a WCOG and PARTLIST csv files). Trying different requests, i got only PLANAR PLATE BRACKET, SHELL PLATE DOUBLE-CURVED, PROFILE CURVED, PLANAR PLATE PLANE parts. Further, i got some (but not all) PROFILE PLANE parts. And i don't know way to take PLANAR PLATE PROFILE and PLANAR PLATE COLLAR parts.

    Any suggestions, how to create an analogue to WCOG and PARTLIST files with Tribon Data Extraction?

    I think it is possible:

  2. hellojaby
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    hellojaby Junior Member

    You can use PPI tools,

    Hull tools-PPI Hull
    -> 1.Select ->1.Block(your block)
    and then you can see the 9.Weight and COG
  3. fearman
    Joined: Aug 2012
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    fearman New Member

    Thank you, but about this feature i told in my post.

    I'd like to create an analogue of this Tribon's function, using the Data Extraction.
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