Pictorial Salute to WWII, Korea, Vietnam,etc Naval,Marine and Coastguard Vets

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by souljour2000, Mar 29, 2012.

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  1. Kay9
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    Kay9 1600T Master

  2. souljour2000
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    souljour2000 Senior Member

    Interesting recollections Messabout and your closing remarks no doubt well-said....It's too bad we don't build as many ships as we used to in this country (as well as a few other durable goods) but as far as I know there are still "active" large shipyards in Philadelphia, New York/Jersey/Philadelphia, Norfolk, Charleston, JAX,Tampa, Panama City Pascagoula.Mobile.Houston and Los Angeles and Tacoma /Seattle but those are guesses at this point...that is a "guess" list based on the past..Philly/Camden is far from what it used to be...and same for many on that list...
  3. souljour2000
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    souljour2000 Senior Member

    Tacoma /Seattle should be on there too but those are guesses at this point...that is a "guess" list based on the past...Philly/Camden is far from what it used to be...and same for many on that list...Portland,Maine and Boston should be on that list of old...dont think too many big ones coming out from up there for awhile now though...but I am getting off thread here...
  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Im very uncomfortable with this thread, please don't glorify war gentlemen.

    WW11 was a world war and started in Europe by the Germans invading Poland. This was the second war in 50 years.

    We all have relations who were part of it and many lost lives in it, and some real memories of it. Uk has never recovered from it.

    Is it necessary to revel in the gore of it?

    Political immigration is trying to stop another, let it be.
  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    If you're uncomfortable with this thread, Frosty, I suggest you simply stop reading it and posting in it. End of problem.....
  6. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I thought I was on your ignore list? Where you lying ?

    I have been suddenly overcome by an overwhelming urge to not post again.

    Those who Know war don't glorify it.

    Let it be,--- RIP poor souls of war (and countries bombed because of it!!!.)

    There are people who would hate frosty for his tooth paste if they knew what brand he used.
  7. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I took you off my ignore list a while back, as you know very well; I mentioned it at the time and you asked about how to use the list. But you're pretty close to going back on it.

    On the other hand, you certainly have my permission to not post again... that's another solution that'll work nicely.

    I'm familiar with war, and I understand the difference between glorifying it and saluting those who served. If you don't, it's a personal problem. Don't try to lay it off on the rest of us.
  8. souljour2000
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    souljour2000 Senior Member

    I don't think the thread was going far anyways...and it may be time to pull the plug...but I think if people want to post pics of a ship they're relations were on because they are proud of their service...then this thread should stay..or one like it that is perhaps better titled and more succinct and to the point...Afterall..if it weren't for the US Navy after the Indonesian tsunami..or the US air force/Army after the Pakistani Earthquake..or the berlin airlift or the haitian quake...or the British/Irish navies/Coasties after Fastnet...okay that may be pushing it a bit but...these guys do more than make war on people these days...but I do see where Frosty is coming from to an extent...okay mod...u can kill it now.
  9. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I think it's a good thread. We haven't seen many pictures yet, but there's been some interesting stuff posted.

  10. souljour2000
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    souljour2000 Senior Member

    Maybe we could just change the name of the thread..."Pictorial Salute to Vets" does sound a bit over-done...I might start a new one called simply "Naval/Coastguard Ships of Distinction"...getting up some old hard-to-find pics was really alot of my original motivation....afterall...I have never liked the thread that much either though Troy ...in the sense the way it was touted in the Title..it was just early in the AM when I posted....I'm gonna start that new thread ...."Naval and Coastguard Ships of Distinction".....can be a coal lighter to the U.S.S Constellation for all I care...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2012
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