Small craft designer wanted Southampton

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by pascoeint, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. pascoeint
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    pascoeint Junior Member

    Hi all, first post on here!

    For those of you who haven't heard of Pascoe International, we build a range of top quality Superyacht tenders that serve on the world's largest private yachts.

    We're looking for an experienced small craft designer to join our team based in Southampton UK. The design work we do is normally based on pre-existing naval architecture or existing models, so the focus is on modifications, systems and components.

    The candidate should have a degree level education, 3 years + relevant working experience and excellent working knowledge of AutoCAD and Rhinoceros software. An interest in power boats / RIBs and boat handling experience would be a plus.

    The position will be full time permanent and pay will be according to experience.

    To apply please PM me for an e-mail address to send your CV to, or see our website

    Thank you, Richard
  2. gioro
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    gioro Naval Architect

    Small Craft Designer

    Hi Richard,
    I use to work for Vaudrey Miller Tenders as a naval architect and designer here in Auckland and have design some of the tenders they built.
    Please, send me e-mail, where I can send you my CV.
    You can see my website here:
    Best Regards,
  3. CADProjects
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    CADProjects Marine Design Services

    Professional CAD Services

    Hi Richard
    I’m an Australian marine draftsman and provide contract design and drafting services for Engineers, Naval Architecture offices and shipyards around the world.
    I have been involved in the super yacht industry now for 11 years so I may be able to help.
    While I can’t relocate to the UK I do have an excellent history of successfully working remotely.
    I invite you to view my website at where you can get an in-depth view of the services I can offer and a glimpse of my portfolio and history.

    I have 11 years marine design experience working as a draftsman in both Naval Architecture offices & Super Yacht interior yards. I also have a Trade Certificate in Ship, Yacht & Boat Building and consider myself a well rounded industry professional.

    My drafting and 3D modelling skills are second to none and I know my way round most of the software used within the industry.

    I would love to have a chat should you think my services could benefit Pascoe International in any way.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me on the below details.

    Dax Callagher

    CAD Projects
    Phone: +61 7 5549 1989
    Mobile: +61 (0) 402 710 444
    Skype : daxcallagher
  4. pascoeint
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    pascoeint Junior Member

    Ok, so I obviously didn't make this job sound too interesting in the post above, as only a couple of people who know what we are about have posted back.

    This is an excellent opportunity for the right candidate for many reasons. Our market place is one that demands style, technical innovation and excellence above cost restraints, meaning that our designs are constantly changing and evolving without the constraints normally placed on development. In-house we produce everything from the concept design through to the delivered product, except the hull design, all at our single Southampton site. So the design role is free to change and develop everything from a whole new model range through to a tiny component and then very quickly see it produced, fitted, tested and delivered.

    I also feel that our produce range is something that many will enjoy being involved with. Here's some examples of future / delivered products:




    If you have the skills and relevant experience, please get in touch as this is genuine opportunity for the right person to move to a job that can really develop and be enjoyed.

  5. CgarciaDesign
    Joined: Dec 2004
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    CgarciaDesign Junior Member

    Marine Designer

    Also interested in the job proposal Richard and would like contact info and details for said work.

  6. Knautical
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Knautical Junior Member

    Design Position

    Hi, I would like the opportunity to be reviewed for your position posted. Please send me your email info. to

  7. Kazulin
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    Kazulin Junior Member

  8. Lister

    Lister Previous Member

    Doesn't look nor comfortable, nor very spacious. Look at the poor guy in white, he is scare to death.(just kidding)
    Tender need more space a less speed. If you had once in your life taken the patrons dead drunk to the mother ship, you know that if you go fast, you will have to change the carpet and the upholstery.
    They are big boat without inside space. Try the reverse inset of following this very counterproductive trend.

  9. RiggsInnovative
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    RiggsInnovative New Member

    Still looking?

    Hi Richard, I am very interested in this position and believe I have the talent and experience you require. Kindly, Chris

  10. Jarek
    Joined: Apr 2003
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    Jarek Junior Member

    Yacht designer available

    I chose a difficult medium for pleasure boats(aluminium), but it is possible to produce aesthetically pleasing shaped in any medium.
    I do not produce photo-realistic renderings, there are plenty of guys who can do that, but I bring in 20 years of experience, including hands-on construction.
    Here is a link to the boat I designed and built last year.
    Exterior intentionally unpainted, but the interior finished to a high standard with lots of electronics and other amenities.
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