Eco friendly epoxy

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Buildboats, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    No idea on the base materials (nuts are claimed), but as Richard already said, about anything can be made into epoxy. But what you get is epoxy. Which can be a health hazard.

    Only advantage I can imagine is the "green" aspect. For what it is worth, of course. But that is another discussion.
  2. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    There are some on the market Boston. Mainly soya oil based.
  3. Buildboats
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    Buildboats Senior Member

    I just received their test result

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  4. Buildboats
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    Buildboats Senior Member

    they sent this also

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  5. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Yeah, nice....

    almost every common Ep. is free of "outgas" and "odor" also. And once fully cured they are inert too.

    So, what makes this product outstanding? Nothing. Marketing drivel.

  6. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    so my chemistry is a bit rusty
    how does a non petroleum based epoxy work

    and do they hold up to there more toxic ( one would think ) brethren

    Dam I need to go read up on this one
  7. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    There is generally no difference Boston. The resin does not "know" if it is made from lard or oil. Once estered the chemical is neither more or less toxic, or more or less green. Thats all just marketing drivel.

    Though some basic materials allow for products with a bit specific properties, compared with others, one can say, you could formulate what you need.

  8. Buildboats
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    Buildboats Senior Member

    really good conversation thanks for the contributions, I see it in a different light now. I got some coming and will infuse something with it. I don't want to get more sensitized... it's just beginning, after 30 yrs I guess I'm lucky to a point. I Know low Tox MAS resin helps with this, I was hoping this product might even be a little better? I can't infuse Low Tox Mas in whole, it requires infu-cure with a second hardenner... Ecopoxy this can be infused as it is.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  9. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    Any further information on this product?
    Buildboats - any test results to share?
    Wharram is building his new 27' eco fishing cat using it on one hull as a tester.....
    They did say on the site that it is soya based.
    Long shelf life also a plus.

  10. Buildboats
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    Buildboats Senior Member

    Nothing exceptional to post- besides the fact I have been using Eco-Poxy to infuse some panels to make a fly bridge for my 30ft cat, I was very happy with the flow and my eyes didn't react in any way. I get sensitive eye lids when using other resin. It is a proprietary product so should use all there products if you don't want to have to deal with mechanical adhesion between different stages of manufacturing. I haven't had an issue since I peel-ply everything
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