Buckler 23' / 24': information sought

Discussion in 'Motorsailers' started by Rachael, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    sounds good to me.

    it's so different i like it. strange but true...

  2. Rachael
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    Rachael Junior Member

    Well... the interior is a mess! At the very least it needs cleaning up, rubbing down, painting and some tlc... but if I were taking it on Id be tempted to strip it back to the GRP shell and start again.


    ps. I'm guessing that this is a Mark I and that the Buckler in the other photos is a Mark II: this one certainly has a far less appealing accomodation arrangement in the real cabin.
  3. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    It needs a lot.. LOT of TLC, but I see a lot of potential as

    Our Catalina 25 looked almost that bad, it had been out
    of service for 10 years and we had to cut the locks off, they
    had no idea where they might be? Had to have new tires
    on the trailer just to get it home! The wife was not a happy
    camper when she saw it the first time! I bought it while she
    was out of town!
  4. Rachael
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    Rachael Junior Member

    I've decided that this beast would not actually be right for us even if completely refitted, not least because we'lll want to operate the boat from a trailer.

    I've a friend who might take it on... but if not, it will be up for grabs!

    When I consider the best interests of my partner (novice), daughter (not yet 4) and dog (collie, yet to be trained as competent crew) I am inclining towards something more like your Catalina 25... though for myself I'd perhaps forget the cruising comforts and go for something more fun for day-sailng, like a Soling, a Sonar or even a diddy thing like a Stratos.

    Sadly, no one boat is going to be the answer for us.. :(
  5. Butch .H
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    Butch .H Senior Member

    Dont give up I found my boats found me;)
  6. mr curious
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    mr curious gunkholer supreme

    don't give up!

    i dig the cozy factor of that cabin.

    consider a little diesel heater for the inclement weather of the UK, it would certainly be on my list for your buckler.

    she will be like a lounge on water.

  7. Butch .H
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    Butch .H Senior Member

    LOL Yup Mr C you rule you cinical old sod:D :D :D :D :D
  8. Meanz Beanz
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    Meanz Beanz Boom Doom Gloom Boom

  9. fredez
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    fredez New Member


    we have a buckler, are living in DK. and operate the boat from a trailer, just bought it for 2 month ago for 250£.

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    Lloyd Too likes this.
  10. Butch .H
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    Butch .H Senior Member

  11. Martin.1967
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    Martin.1967 New Member

    I´ve bought one of them some days before last christmas. There is a lot of refit to do. They built that boats, I think, only for five years, beginning 1975. The fixtion of the masts is terrible. But the GFK is strong. It will be a long job to get new life into my boat. It´s so cracy, that it`s good. A special, different, slow, unconfortable, small "ship", that has always fascinated me. I hope, one day, mine will look as good as the blue and the red one. These days it´s still near to the "Tigga"...
  12. Rachael
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    Rachael Junior Member

    Well... Tigga is afloat! She seems to purr along quite reasonably under motor... though a full sailing test has yet to be attempted.

    Photos and a report to follow... perhaps including (if it's attempted and survived) a coastal passage from Lowestoft to Harwich!

    I'd be happier NOT supporting such a venture prior to a complete refit and extensive testing... but she needs removing from the broads before the costs of keeping her there bankrupt the friendly soul who has taken her on.

    Anyone able to loan flares, a GPS and/or a liferaft, for a weekend please shout!

    Edit: Following unexpected developments, Tigga is now safely moored on the Broads and will remain there for the remainder of the winter - which at least offers a bit of breathing space for finding a new home and testing her out a little :)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  13. Martin.1967
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    Martin.1967 New Member

    Be carefull that the motor doesn´t pump up the boat with the coolingwater. In my Buckler the exhaust pipe was broken, so that the gas and the coolingwater came out...
    Check the bilge pump, too! I´m looking forward to see some photos from your adventure.Good luck!
  14. alijhood
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    alijhood Junior Member

    wow! Any idea where the one in really bad shaped was stored? Was it norfolk? Also, did you buy the red one in the end? Why did the one in bad shape not have any heads?!

  15. alijhood
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    alijhood Junior Member

    also, fredez? Did you really mean £250?!
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