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41' Offshore Performance Boat Molds - Complete

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by southflboats, May 1, 2006.

  1. vishnubaiju
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    vishnubaiju Junior Member

    (1)Well finished hull and deck moulds of
    12m Length, Breadth = 4m, draft = 0.6m, Inboard engines 2X 100h.p
    Acommodation 1 person
    (2) Length= 15m, Breadth= 5.5m, Depth = 2m, and draft = 1.20m
    Speed 8 knots at 85% MCR of 2X 140HP engines inboard
    Bollard pull 4 tons
    To install a deck crane 2 tons having 5m reach on 15m boat.
  2. jimed99
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    jimed99 New Member

    41' still around?

    I'm interested in these if you stil have them - send details to jed@jimed.com

    Anyone else have something in this mold type let me know...

  3. gelcoatman
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    gelcoatman Junior Member

    are these molds still for sale are they splash molds dont need any fedral B.s. but its a sweet design..and does anyone know the original designer of this boat i have come across his name before but i am absentminded resin fumes get u eventualy...lol
  4. oceanusyachts
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    oceanusyachts New Member

  5. southflboats
    Joined: May 2006
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    southflboats New Member

    Molds are sold!

    Thanks for everyones interest in the molds. They have been sold. Soon we will have a Chinese made Apache :?:

    And for those of you following the ongoing saga, these were Thad Allen's molds. . .
  6. SOB
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    SOB Junior Member

    Didn't these molds go to Pantera?
  7. speedcraft
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    speedcraft Junior Member


    send me the information and picture, thanks :) speedcraft@163.com

  8. Stephen Miller
    Joined: May 2008
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    Stephen Miller New Member

    Need Pictures & asking price?

    Please bsend pictures & asking Price. Thank you
    Stephen E Miller
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