Please help Identify my 5.2 meter fiberglass hull? (NZ)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by rocko, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. rocko
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    Location: Auckland New Zealand

    rocko New Member

    HI all.. My first time here... Im in New Zealand I have a 5.2 meter/17ft fiberglass boat... have no idea on the make or model of hull.. according to several dealer boat yards its bit of a white horse..... making this very hard to sell..

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  2. rocko
    Joined: Jul 2011
    Posts: 2
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    Location: Auckland New Zealand

    rocko New Member

    No sailing gear mate sorry.. thats the cover i quickly pulled off.. pic was taking last summer.. engine is 25" shaft mercury 90hp
    planes well, with permatrim added to motor
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