positions vacant for qualified Naval Architects.

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by MBM, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. MBM
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    MBM Junior Member

    To All,

    On our website we have positions vacant for qualified Naval Architects.
    We are undertaking an in-house concept design of an "offshore installation vessel".

    You will need to be familiar with steel structures, sea motions, crane stability, Twin hull stability, and Maxsurf/Rhino/CAD software.

    There will be otehr work to undertake in the office during the concept design phase i.e. maintanance of existing vessels i.e. surveys, accident investigations, project cargo loading analysis.

    All those interested shall review our website www.mbm-consultancy.com and then forward a CV directly to myself mark@mbm-consultancy.com.

    The position will be based in Germany, and is in a small town.
    The office work is all carried out in written English, and good report skills are needed. Spoken English is a must, and German would be beneficial to your normal living life here.

  2. jimianbu
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    jimianbu Junior Member

    Dear Mr. Mark, is the position still available?
  3. MBM
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    MBM Junior Member

    The positions are still available.
    We are expanding in the New YEar.
    Are you located within the EU?
  4. jimianbu
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    jimianbu Junior Member

    No sir. I am currently reside at Malaysia. I did send you an email last time, regarding the job positions. My name is Mohd Khairul Najmi if you remember, sir.

  5. MBM
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    MBM Junior Member


    As we are based in Germany you are free to come by the office to discuss the open position for J.N.A at any time.
    We will not be recruiting the Junior position from an International location due to a high relocation cost when there are many applicants locally.

    If you can get here, I would look at this as a serious commitment on your behalf.
    Mark Bambury
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